
Showing posts from March, 2020

Un Homme et Une Femme

This is how I know that I will never direct a good film, or write a good novel.

Six Month Lockdown in UK?

Somebody really badly  wants you lot to take me up on this offer:  Hysteria and Ignorance Kills . Probably H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and her Prime Minister. I have no charge left in my phone, and I am fucking pissed off!  See  Dave Gilmour - I Can't Breathe Anymore April 3rd . And I have been listening to fucking crap for years now and I am long past giving a shit what you do. Make a movie called Death of Brian.

Dave Gilmour - I Can't Breathe Anymore April 3rd

Something about not suffocating your pets, I hope, ... See  Dire Straits - Planet of New Orleans . Who the fuck would want some particular group of people deciding what their  life will be without being consulted in any way, ever, and without ever being told who they are, or even that this was what was happening? Nobody would. Read The Castle  and The Trial  by Franz Kafka, if you don't see the problem.

WION - Chinks in the WHO's Armor

This is interesting! Maybe WWIII is going to be faught by lawyers after all. They've been doing some good reporting on this for quite a while now, see: ... ... and part 2:

Dire Straits - Planet of New Orleans

When I was 18 years old Ted Ripoll gave me a job at Aquatic Offshore Engineering Inc. in Aberdeen, Scotland. Ted was from New Orleans and he had trained as an accountant with the FBI. For a while he talked about sending me to work for a few months in their office in Belém, Brazil, a city on the mouth of the Amazon. I think I would have enjoyed that, but it was not to pass, ... Instead, I spent way too much time in reception talking to Heather, and Carol. I learned a lot of stuff from Mary that I never wanted to know about how BP, Amaco, Total etc. liked their bills to be presented, and that was when I realised what a total fucking waste of time commercial accounting really was. I used to invoice tens or sometimes hundreds of thousands each month to these companies, all done by hand because their requirements for presenting bills were all so specific that I would have needed a custom-designed language to describe each of them sufficiently precisely to be able to automate the p...

A Science Project for Young Witches

All witches are young, by the way. Look into this diurnal magnetic variation due to the moon, and try to find out what effects it could have been thought to have on artillery. Also look into the history of Longwood House, and the origin of the name St. Helena. What other artillery officers visited the island, and what was the purpose of their visits. See : See  Guerilla Logic  for some more background.

Eva Galperin: Stalkerware and Spouseware and Where the fuck dowegonext

Well, the video won't play right now, but I have some ideas, ... For example, how about a modular plug-in architecture and protocols for building highly scalable collaborative flash-mob gaslighting applications. You know, so you can have random people in the street come up to your target and say things that seem weirdly significant, ... and combine that with pyramid marketing schemes that let you sell targets to be used by neuro-marketing campaigns, with software to manage the accounting and charging for product exposures etc.? See also  Hannah Fry on Networks and Control  and  A Mathmemetical Biologist! Oh my Gosh, you Simply Must Come To My Dinner Party! Now, if that scares the shit out of you, ... and it probably ought  to, then just imagine what the dead  could do. See  DW On Using Mobile Data To Control Pandemics . See my comments this video for an example:  Hannah Fry - Blackballed  from  Science Project For Young Witches . ...

Boeing US$60 Billion Bail-out

Well, 60 billion dollars ought to be enough to buy the company outright and put it into the hands of people who could oversee its re-tasking to better serve the needs of humanity. Where you would find such people, however, is way beyond my ken. See  Boeing 737 MAX Debacle Continues ,  The Incredible Boeing Aircraft Corporation  and note that hat the 737 MAX is not Boeing's only problem plane:  Al Jazeera Investigating the Boeing 767 crash in 1999 . In addition, there are serious legal problems that the company will soon be facing as part of the investigation into the Obama administration's "Fuck it, the world is going to end anyway, let's make sure we all have enough cash for a ten year orgy" policy.

On Chemical Sanitization

Using latex gloves is a good idea if you are going to be forced to use hand sanitizer at certain places. The gloves will protect your hands from the sanitizer. Don't put sanitizer on the inside of the gloves. See  This is A Big Part of Our Problem  and  The Systemic Cause of Pandemics .

A Mathmemetical Biologist! Oh my Gosh, you Simply Must Come To My Dinner Party!

At  17 minutes 23 seconds  what numbers can you give mathematicians other than cases and deaths? It depends on their model. They ought to be modelling causes of death in detail. Most deaths will involve other factors as secondary, sometimes primary cause, particularly infection by antibiotic resistant bacteria. You would want to include age and demographic data from those populations too. See  Jade Giving an Example of How A Bad Idea Can Cause a Deadly Pandemic  and  Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology See also my  YouTube comment : 11:25 On degree of separation spread etc. I posted this on 22nd June last year. I seriously think that people have done research on this in the context of controlling and predicting grass-roots social movements, where you have no centre of control you can spy on. Since the CIA, NSA and the DOJ have been doing this for over twenty years, according to William Binney, you should expect there to be rather a lot of...

A Piece of Shit Teaching People How To Become Pieces of Shit Just Like Him

See  A Short Course in Whore Logic For Bill Gates et al.

A Short Course in Whore Logic For Bill Gates et al.

See  This Bunch of Fucks Have It All Under Control ,  A General Strategy for Solving Problems by Analysis of Situational Logic  and  Rutger Bregman on Poverty .

My Brain is Going To Shrink!

My goal is to get it to the size of a pea by mid June. See  This Bunch of Fucks Have It All Under Control  and  Tigo .

This Bunch of Fucks Have It All Under Control

Who elected you Bill? You're a goddamn asshole! Shut the fuck up. And the rest of you too! You shit-brained assholes have much more urgent problems than running a farcical theatre production. Here is some good advice:


You fucking cunts just ripped me off again. Say goodbye assholes!

Poor Polly is Also Fed Up With This Crap


Patricia Kaas Singing Tango

Les Hommes Qui Passent

Laura Pausini - 200 Notas

I missed this, from January 2017. I was off-line for most of 2016. This too:

WION - Love in The Time of Coronavirus

The same way I deal with it any other time. I forget about her as quickly as possible. OK, sometimes it takes 30 years, but, ... I think she's talking about  Innoculating Children With Exotic Animal Diseases ! 😀💓 But it's dangerous ! The living bore me. If you're still interested in an affaire, get in touch after you're dead. For some of you it will be easier than for others ... ... much easier: See  The Last Word on Love . See  Economics II .

Innoculating Children With Exotic Animal Diseases

This is my daughter playing with a baby goat on holiday in France. She says she misses me. Why? It's only been eleven years! And it's very important work I do. Sitting on my ass, rotting in the street, listening to experts talking rubbish and repeating the  same damn thing to each one of them, over and over again, as if it actually makes a difference. Poor woman destroyed her own career for this stupid shit: Started eighteen years ago, by destroying mine 😀💓 And she's not the only one who's fed up: We are legion! And I'm supposed to be able to work out what this 'expert' is telling me here? Forget it! Fucking hypnotized chickens all over the bloody place! And all the women have gone to Hell! Now who really thinks this shit is working? Come on! The Pope? Are you sure, Francis? See  Medjugorje Apparitions . When do you think it started working? Or 1984 maybe? I remember this song vividly, because ...

Former CDC Director Tom Frieden on US Healthcare

Basically, the "industry" is more dangerous than many diseases are. "In an average year 70,000 Americans die from infections that they pick up in the health-care system ." And this is going to be an above average year, with a few tens of thousands more  Americans dying from infections they pick up in the system, because, as you see in Italy, an overloaded health-care system is far less effective at preventing avoidable deaths. So, add up the opioid overdose deaths (see  Opioid epidemic in the United States ) and the US "health-care industry" is expected to kill over 150,000 Americans this year and that is without adding in deaths from obesity and road accidents and gun violence, which are also all avoidable. At  2 minutes 20 seconds , I think a more important focus would be on eliminating the majority of threats worldwide by doing more and better basic research on integrated health-care. See  The Systemic Cause of Pandemics  and  This is A Big Part ...

James Bond Enjoying Tinned Pilchards


Iggy Pop - Loves Missing

Interesting punctuation, or rather, ...

Catherine Ringer and Iggy Pop - I Put A Spell On You

Really clever how they made it a duet: I was idly wondering a while back, whether I could make this a duet and sing it with Laura Pausini: It's the right-hand of the piano part that makes this song. God that is genius! Why so angry? Knights of Malta:

Economic Farce Continues

I'd love to believe this total failure of responsibility is only a big act of fake news on an historic scale, ... but I can't.

Joe Scott on Airships


Terry Gilliam's Closet Picks

Kubrick's Paths of Glory : Trailer: See  Joe Scott on William James Sidis . Gilliam talking about Brazil:   At  6 minutes 10 seconds  on sueing George W. Bush and Dick Chaney for the unauthorised remake of Brazil. See  Message for Donald Trump . Trailer: That's all for now, ...

Afshin Rattansi Speaking Straight About Media in the UK

Executive summary: it's a load of crap!


You did it again! See  Message for Tigo . You consumed the free 500 MB and then switched to charging me at the really extortionate rate, but without  sending me the warning message! Now, if you do this twice a week to each of a million people, you are stealing of the order of 160,000,000 Bs. (sí, ciento sesenta  milliones por mes). Then, after an hour or two:

Lockdown and Mass Media Hype Creating Mass Hysteria

This was perfectly predictable. It was probably done deliberately to provide an excuse for a military crack-down and blame the incident on the people. The same idea would have occurred to some in the US government. It's going to happen here too, and in South Africa and in many "developing economies". See  Message for Donald Trump . But it's all mixed-up with other  disinformation caused by the lack of transparency and restrictions on reporting and communications. See  COVID-19 Impact on Poor Countries . Like the US, the UK and Europe, as well as Russia, China is both a poor country and a country ruled by a globalist elite, so this is not a contradiction.

India's New Jet Fighters

See  COVID-19 Impact on Poor Countries . Saab commercial: The first airfix model aeroplane I ever built properly  was the predecessor to these. I guess it must've been the  Saab  JA 37 Viggen . Usually I didn't bother painting  them and putting on all the stickers. As soon as they looked like aeroplanes that was enough. People who took the trouble to paint them usually just hung up on the ceiling because they theyre too precious to fly by the time you've done all that. Women are like that with their toys too. The one's are really fun, I mean:  Women Playing Hard Ball .

DW On Using Mobile Data To Control Pandemics

See  Bill Gates on COVID-19 Response ,  Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology ,  Coronavirus A War Against Humanity?  and  Al Jazeera on Mental Health . See my YouTube comment : This is not a question, it's an answer. 6:27 asking about the dangers of government access to such data as personal association. The short answer is "yes it is dangerous" but I the longer answer is "Yes, but the government of South Korea is not the real government. The real government of South Korea is the CIA and the NSA, so the question is irrelevant. The technical point I want to make is that there is no necessity that this personal data be made available anybody. The fact that it invariably ends up on cloud servers and whatnot is just incompetence on the part of application developers because they are not taught how to do these things securely. If they were taught that then they would be able to wrest control of their government from the CIA and the NSA. So this sort ...

Sue Blackmore on Religion

This was recorded years ago. I don't expect her to have the same opinions now. See my comment on YouTube: There is a big difference between religions as institutionalised and as actually practiced. I think that the early Christians, for example, were a pretty radical bunch of people, hundreds, or even thousands of whom died for their beliefs, see  Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire but that those beliefs were nothing at all even vaguely close to what was institutionalised by Constantine The Great I believe that the early Christians were practicing a religion based on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. See Aristotle's definition of God here:  This does not classify it as a competing meme and it is outside the scope of Sue's analysis. There is very probably textual evidence of this held in the Vatican secret archives and in freemason secret archives. See  Medjugorje Apparitions  for an explanation of what the United States and the UK are do...

Donald Trump

I mean this. I cannot sit here in the streets with people assaulting me to steal my phone as just happened two minutes ago. Get off your fat useless ass you fucking cunt! See  Message for Donald Trump . Yes, Donald, this is  what you think it is. So sue me, you fucking jack-rabbit! If you want to play at cuttin' shit, you should know that shit cuts all sorts of ways. God help you. And if you think nobody knows what you're doing, Donald, then explain how this came out 30 seconds ago: And don't forget to reward them well for it! One more thing: if I ever see that fucking piece of monkey shit of yours who calls himself Robert Edinger I will kill him myself.  I am not here to provide free psychiatric treatment to useless pieces of garbage that should have been shot dead long, long ago!

Message for Donald Trump

You had better make fucking sure  that I get all  the material support I ask for, starting yesterday!! Save your excuses for your trial in Geneva, Donald. See also this, particularly from  12 minutes 50 seconds : Then listen to JFK on April 20th, 1961, on the failure of the CIA-sponsored  Bay of Pigs Invasion : The Bay of Pigs invasion (Spanish: invasión de bahía de Cochinos; sometimes called invasión de playa Girón or batalla de Girón, after the Playa Girón) was a failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba in 1961 by Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution. Covertly financed and directed by the U.S. government, the operation took place at the height of the Cold War and its failure led to major shifts in international relations between Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union. See  José Miró Cardona : In the U.S. Miró became the head of the exile group Cuban Revolutionary Council which became a pri...

The Last Word on Love

From  A Midsummer Night's Dream : Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind. Nor hath love’s mind of any judgment taste. Wings, and no eyes, figure unheedy haste. And therefore is love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguil’d. As waggish boys in game themselves forswear, So the boy Love is perjur’d everywhere. See  How Messed Up Is This World We Have Made .

Message for Tigo

I have enough fucking shit on my plate without having to deal with you bastards ripping me off as well. Get your fucking acts together you incompetent assholes!

James Bond

He's hungry. This is not a good time for street cats.

Lady GG - Scheiße

I don't speak German either. What's she saying? Nooo! See  YouTube Has Noticed That I Don't Understand Much French . Only 52 million views in one month ?! Come on peeps! This is truth! This is the other side of that inequality: See  COVID-19 Impact on Poor Countries . Now Madonna seems to think I wasn't just making up a problem out of thin air: And Martin Lawrence too: See  The Last Man 2 .

Melanie C - Who I Am

Who she is is lovely!  ðŸ’“ But I am biased. See: See  Lady GG - Scheiße .

This is Fucking Hilarious!

It's no bloody wonder the world is in such a mess!

COVID-19 Impact on Poor Countries

Whether or not this was intended, you can bet your ass that the cunts who run the central banks, the IMF and the World Bank have been planning to use a pandemic as an opportunity to rip-off the people in the countries with their own natural resources, because the dollars they're printing right now aren't worth shit without a population of poor people without access to decent education, who will therefore be forced to exchange their resources for worthless credit in central banks which should have folded over a decade ago. See  How Not to Fight Poverty . See Strong  Dollar Straining "Developing Economies"  and  Coronavirus Economic War on Developing Countries . See  Bill Gates on COVID-19 Response  and  UN Environment Chief Inger Anderson on Coronavirus . See  Martin Lawrence  and  The Last Man 2 .

Train Surfing from Kiev to Odessa

It's an almost 1,000 Km journey riding freight trains, like they used to do during the depression in America.

Martin Lawrence

It's better not to read any of the shit people write about you. But he's right about using your pants. You have  to restrict the airflow through the legs a bit, by tying knots, but not so that you stop all the air flowing through, because that reduces the resistance they give.

More Smithsonian Spy Stories

See  Oleg Gordievsky .

All About Eve - Wishing The Hours Away

Ft. Dave Gilmour:

Some People Enjoy Their Work!

There are some really spectacular scenes in this! For example: And: And:

How Messed Up Is This World We Have Made

I had the same idea when I was sitting starving in a tin shack in Guanay for the whole of 2012. See also  Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in The Hills . This was recorded the year before I was born: And: But if you can bear to really see it like this, and believe it , then you will understand how important is the love of men and women for each other. And I don't think it matters if this was never really the case, because this is a feeling that is so deeply connected that I can't shake it, no matter how impractical it seems. Sue Blackmore on Out-of-body Experience and Consciousness . You can listen to the whole album here .

Happy Birthday Kim Iversen

Chat is off and comments disabled. I guess that's what 'Nothing political' means. I missed it all ...

Sue Blackmore on Out-of-body Experience and Consciousness

See  Sue Blackmore Nailed It!  and  Nancy Trivellato on Disembodied Consciousness

Climbing Olympus Mons on Mars

Well, when I suggested to my ten year-old daughter that this was something she might be able to do, ... I didn't suggest it because it was easy!  ðŸ˜€ See: And: Same with this:  Element 14 Learning Videos  and  Marilyn York on What You Can Learn from Your Dad . Imagine what kind of world this would be if ... ... we gave them tools like this:  Tilt Five AR Holographic Display Demonstration  and let them  get on with it! Instead we have made this:  The Last Man 2 . Really, you wonder if none  of these guys has a daughter!

Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in The Hills

See  Medjugorje Apparitions . Sibylle Baier recorded the album  Colour Green  between 1970 and 1973, but it was not released until 2006. See  How Messed Up Is This World We Have Made .

George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue

Played by fifteen year-old Maja Babyszka. Gershwin must've liked Rachmaninov a lot!

Oleg Gordievsky

The story of a KGB double-agent: See  Mississippi John Hurt . Then: See  Weird Stuff Going on With the British Press .

The Last Man 2

My social life: Nobody is allowed out of doors for two days.  They face 8 hours in police detention and a fine of one thousand pesos if caught. What for? This movie: See: at  12 minutes 40 seconds  on working relationships: Then: And: See also  Sue Blackmore Nailed It! Is this what it's really about Barrack man? See  American Secret Societies ,  Hannah Arendt on Pathological Political Associations  and  Mississippi Cookin' . What for? Martin has some advice for you too :-)) And for my daughter: Helen, don't  mess with Willow Smith, because all  this shit is true: Oops!