At 1 minute 21 seconds the building in the background, in Trafalgar Square , as she says "There is a story in our family that my great grandfather worked with Nikola Tesla, ..." is ... ... what? Hint: it is near to a statue of George Washington, a replica donated by the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1921 . See War Crimes . Watch all four episodes of Nikola Tesla and the End of The World and then watch this: And on the meaning of the word sovereignty see: On the Mason-Dixon Line, the "boundary of slavery" in the American colonies, it might be insightful to compare the Britannica and Wikipedia entries and see where they differ. Then, especially if you're my daughter, see On Feminist Genealogy . Then see this documentary about Mark Knopfler and what motivates his music. There's a nice bit at 17 minutes about where songs come from, and what happens to their origin, and the role of Town Plann...
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