Eva Galperin: Stalkerware and Spouseware and Where the fuck dowegonext

Well, the video won't play right now, but I have some ideas, ...

For example, how about a modular plug-in architecture and protocols for building highly scalable collaborative flash-mob gaslighting applications. You know, so you can have random people in the street come up to your target and say things that seem weirdly significant, ... and combine that with pyramid marketing schemes that let you sell targets to be used by neuro-marketing campaigns, with software to manage the accounting and charging for product exposures etc.? See also Hannah Fry on Networks and Control and A Mathmemetical Biologist! Oh my Gosh, you Simply Must Come To My Dinner Party!

Now, if that scares the shit out of you, ... and it probably ought to, then just imagine what the dead could do. See DW On Using Mobile Data To Control Pandemics. See my comments this video for an example: Hannah Fry - Blackballed from Science Project For Young Witches.

You do have me, for what it's worth. But please be kind. See WION - Love in The Time of Coronavirus.


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