Former CDC Director Tom Frieden on US Healthcare

Basically, the "industry" is more dangerous than many diseases are. "In an average year 70,000 Americans die from infections that they pick up in the health-care system." And this is going to be an above average year, with a few tens of thousands more Americans dying from infections they pick up in the system, because, as you see in Italy, an overloaded health-care system is far less effective at preventing avoidable deaths. So, add up the opioid overdose deaths (see Opioid epidemic in the United States) and the US "health-care industry" is expected to kill over 150,000 Americans this year and that is without adding in deaths from obesity and road accidents and gun violence, which are also all avoidable.

At 2 minutes 20 seconds, I think a more important focus would be on eliminating the majority of threats worldwide by doing more and better basic research on integrated health-care. See The Systemic Cause of Pandemics and This is A Big Part of Our Problem.


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