DW On Using Mobile Data To Control Pandemics

See Bill Gates on COVID-19 ResponseUsing Probabilistic Reasoning in EpidemiologyCoronavirus A War Against Humanity? and Al Jazeera on Mental Health.

See my YouTube comment:
This is not a question, it's an answer. 6:27 asking about the dangers of government access to such data as personal association. The short answer is "yes it is dangerous" but I the longer answer is "Yes, but the government of South Korea is not the real government. The real government of South Korea is the CIA and the NSA, so the question is irrelevant. The technical point I want to make is that there is no necessity that this personal data be made available anybody. The fact that it invariably ends up on cloud servers and whatnot is just incompetence on the part of application developers because they are not taught how to do these things securely. If they were taught that then they would be able to wrest control of their government from the CIA and the NSA. So this sort of experiment is only possible in countries like South Korea.
 The same sort of thing could be done here, except the CIA here are all feral CIA and the only money the cunts can get their hands on is by stealing it: see Tigo and Donald Trump.


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