A Mathmemetical Biologist! Oh my Gosh, you Simply Must Come To My Dinner Party!

At 17 minutes 23 seconds what numbers can you give mathematicians other than cases and deaths? It depends on their model. They ought to be modelling causes of death in detail. Most deaths will involve other factors as secondary, sometimes primary cause, particularly infection by antibiotic resistant bacteria. You would want to include age and demographic data from those populations too. See Jade Giving an Example of How A Bad Idea Can Cause a Deadly Pandemic and Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology

See also my YouTube comment:
11:25 On degree of separation spread etc. I posted this on 22nd June last year. I seriously think that people have done research on this in the context of controlling and predicting grass-roots social movements, where you have no centre of control you can spy on. Since the CIA, NSA and the DOJ have been doing this for over twenty years, according to William Binney, you should expect there to be rather a lot of research that has been done, but very probably not published. That is a crime under US law, if it were government funded, so it was probably funded through Microsoft Research and other commercial laboratories like Intel and Marconi. https://livelogic.blogspot.com/2019/06/hannah-fry-on-networks-and-control.html
22:13 This is really close to home! What I hope is that research councils will never, ever again permit something like the military-industrial-academic complex to be hijacked by a fucking organised crime syndicate!! 
 As to comments at 23 minutes 30 seconds on new mathematics. See The Right Way to Formalise Mathematics. We desperately need new intuitive frameworks to understand and teach mathematics.

Having listened this far it is clear that this interview was designed to help me get this message out. Thank you!!! 💓💓

Here's the video about the SIR model:


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