Innoculating Children With Exotic Animal Diseases

This is my daughter playing with a baby goat on holiday in France.

She says she misses me. Why? It's only been eleven years!

And it's very important work I do. Sitting on my ass, rotting in the street, listening to experts talking rubbish and repeating the  same damn thing to each one of them, over and over again, as if it actually makes a difference.

Poor woman destroyed her own career for this stupid shit:

Started eighteen years ago, by destroying mine 😀💓

And she's not the only one who's fed up:

We are legion!

And I'm supposed to be able to work out what this 'expert' is telling me here? Forget it! Fucking hypnotized chickens all over the bloody place!

And all the women have gone to Hell!

Now who really thinks this shit is working? Come on!

The Pope? Are you sure, Francis? See Medjugorje Apparitions. When do you think it started working?

Or 1984 maybe?

I remember this song vividly, because my first girlfriend dumped me as soon as she heard me playing it in my car.


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