
Showing posts from April, 2020

Stefan Molyneux on Resource Based Economy

This is an interesting discussion. What most people don't realise is that capitalism as we practice it now wastes 99.9% of the human and material resources we currently use. Once you realise that, the problems raised by the idea of gift or resource-based economies become much more tractable. At  10 minutes 30 seconds  the discussion turns to the way we treat our family and friends differently. We don't charge our nearest and dearest. At this point Molyneux brings in Neo-Darwinian evolution to explain why there is this difference between the way we treat our kith and kin to the way we treat everybody else. I guess he will go on to argue that this is because we evolved to be like this, otherwise we would not have survived. He will presumably say that this is human nature and because it is genetically determined, nothing we can do short of a programme of eugenics and euthenasia will change that. Well, ... you know what my answer to that will be, ... something along the lines...

Transcendence - The Antidote

Incendence, I suppose, ... See  Anti-Gravity  and  AcTVism Munich on Collateral Murder and Technology . For the solution, see  Ernố Rubik , and read  Relational Semantics subtitled "The Evils of Lego" .

Ernố Rubik

I heard a story about  Ernố Rubik  that was not entirely true, shall we say! In 1990 he became President of the Hungarian Engineering Academy. At  3 minutes 42 seconds  on the ability to recognise which situation the cube is in, see  A General Strategy for Solving Problems by Analysis of Situational Logic . This is what I call abstraction. The nature of abstraction is essentially linguistic, and is easier to understand if you study simple formal languages such as the lambda calculus . In such formal languages, the idea of abstraction is captured by the notion of a bound variable, which is a way of associating a name to part of a more complex expression where the name is essentially a place-holder for some as yet unspecified  part of the whole expression. So in the case of the Rubik's cube abstraction of an algorithm to, say, rotate one edge cube so that the colours are swapped, can be specified regardless of which of the twelve edges contains the cube ...

AcTVism Munich on Collateral Murder and Technology

This appeared a few minutes ago: This is now age-restricted: I guess they, or YouTube, want me to point out this brilliant lecture by Hannah Arendt. See in particular from  4 minutes 46 seconds : See  Hannah Arendt on Pathological Political Associations . See also this: If you still don't understand the relevance then perhaps someone at WikiLeaks can explain it? I have tried, but it seems nobody understands me. Maybe ask John Pilger to explain my problem? I honestly believe that sometimes violence is necessary, when all attempts at reason fail. I believe in personal moral responsibility too. See  Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off  and  Tthe Second Amendment  for why I have a problem with Grant Sanderson.

Knut Wittkowski on Viral BS

Dr. Knut Wittkowsi is an uncompromisingly straight-talking scientist, and he is fed up. See  Who is Knut M. Wittkowski?  He has been all but disowned by his former employer, The Rockefeller University,  The Rockefeller University releases statement concerning Knut Wittkowski  the day before they announced  Stavros Niarchos Foundation donates $3 million to Rockefeller COVID-19 research . Well, when you consider he is a biostatistician with well over thirty years experience working with some of the best in the field, ... and he comes out with gems like this, at  20 minutes 30 seconds , ... he probably knows the reality underlying research funding: From  Journeyman Pictures Four-part Series on The Pandemic . The interesting thing is that we only really understand herd-immunity as a statistical phenomenon.  So nobody can explain how  or why  it works, but statisticians can explain how we know it a real thing, and that it is in fact t...

Bahrain Sounds Like A Nightmare

Journeyman documentary you can rent for US$3 on Amazon:  Bahrain: Breaking the Silence :

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity

This Explains A Lot! ... more than just Buzz Lightyear's battle cry, ... see here and  here . Revenge is a dish best served stone cold dead. From  修羅雪姫 : See  Bill Gates is Much, Much Smarter than I Am :

Getting Around the Regulations of the Treaty of Maastricht

The only way you can criticise the monetary policies of the ECB is by calling it drama. So now all the world's a stage, ... ... but this isn't so new, is it? ... some are better at it than others though, ... for fuck's sake, you put this complete crap in the opening scene?

Monty Python - The Missing Wallet

I don't understand this joke. Is it about Police corruption?

Bill Gates is Much, Much Smarter than I Am

I don't know what the fuck he's talking about here! But why does he sound like Kermit the frog when Miss Piggy has her hand between his legs? You know what I think Billy Boy? I think you know  that you are talking utter crap, but you're not smart enough to invent a story that isn't so transparently bullshit. You never were any good at lying, because the truth is, Bill, you're thicker than really fucking stupid shit.  See  Men Talking Crap :  › Here's another good read. This is one of the most thoughtful of the pieces on this theme that have appeared in the past few weeks. ... Unfortunately you won't see the piece he quotes here because it's now just a 404 error. But I can tell you it was a piece of transparent bullshit and you'd have to have been severely educationally retarded not to have seen that immediately. This is the paragraph on Billy's BS Blog to whic...

Anastasia Lin on the Chinese Communist Party

Anastasia Lin  is a Chinese human rights advocate who now lives in Canada. The government she describes would be a real asset for any group of globalist neo-liberals who managed to successfully infiltrate it. They would have a source of labour cheaper even than prison labour in the United States, and they could use to take over countries like Bolivia and Pakistan without attracting any international attention. See  Oil Futures Negative  and  Bill Gates is Much, Much Smarter than I Am . Hanna Arendt was a master at getting her point across obliquely. She was talking there about the United States. See  Hannah Arendt on Pathological Political Associations . Now listen to this, especially on institutionalised racism at  8 minutes 10 seconds :

Replica: The Shadow

I like this! Kind of Bogart plays Bodie, ...

Oil Futures Negative

So, have we worked out now that we hardly need any of this stuff to live? That seems too good to be true. I think it more likely that some people have worked out how to rig the real market by shorting futures. At  5 minutes 55  so the Bank of Japan just gave away a whole lot of money. You would think shit like that would cause inflation, ... I was so happy when I first heard this, almost two years ago. It still makes me happy, but what the fuck happened to the USA Donald? Somebody in Hollywood screwed up again? I have to ask your son-in-law? Who the fuck elected him? See  More Ludicrous Nonsense from Wall Street .

WHO Director General Seems to Have Gone Mad

See  John Searle on Intention and Meaning . He thinks he's done the best job he could have under the circumstances. He has been working with experts from all around the 🌍🌎🌏 ... At @WHO , we are an open book. Technical experts from around the 🌍 are always embedded in our operations, working hand-in-hand with our own employees to scrutinize global data & make scientific deductions. This is how we always operate, incl from Day 1 of the #COVID19 outbreak. — Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) April 20, 2020 The question is how  did he decide who were the experts, and how did he make sure they were in communication with him? See  We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications  and then see  John Ioannadis on The Wider Consequences of Viral BS . The only experts mentioned are the 15 details from the United States Government Center for Disease Control, who have been working there since 1st January. Well, no w...

Ain't Misbehavin

I just sent this message to a few people at Cambridge, including Peter Sewell, and almost immediately lost the Internet connection here at Comteco. I'm sure it was just a random coincidence. The message was: Subject: Why do you keep doing stupid things? What was going on with Imperial College? Some shit-pot Royal Society Research fellow holding the purse strings Peter Sewell?

John Ioannadis on The Wider Consequences of Viral BS

See  Journeyman Pictures Three-part Series on The Pandemic  and  John Ioannadis (Stanford) On Data Analysis and Mass Media Overreaction . At  22 minutes 10 seconds , the death statistics in NYC may be exaggerrated because they include cases where there is merely a possibility of COVID-19 being implicated, but no actual clinical evidence. See this March 24th CDC/NCHS advisory, supposedly made to increase the accuracy of statistics: This was certainly a contributing factor to reports by Voice of America of mortuaries overflowing like  this one  and mass graves like  this one . At  25 minutes 50 seconds  people under 65 account for less than 1% of COVID-19 deaths in European cities. But the figures in New York are different and it is not clear why. For most people under 65, the risk of dying after being infected by COVID-19 is...

The Crooks Have Lost Control

You cannot even begin to understand the problem until you have secure telecommunications and transparency. To have so-called governments engaging in trade talk or oil price talks, or talks on anything connected with the global economy is a charade. The problem is the interdependence of the central banks through derivatives. You have to have secure telecommunications and secure computing systems to sort this out. See  John Searle on Intention and Meaning  for more on the perils of secrecy. This video has more of the details. ... people don't even think this is particularly outrageous anymore: ... because it's been going on since before most people alive today were born.

Lyre Bird

To get a girlfriend, he just puts on a show, copying everything he hears going around him, as if it was all put on just for him! It probably would've worked if there hadn't been a fucking TV camera and a man from the BBC watching.

Special Offer Internet Access From Bolivia

As long you only use services run by felching faggots with offices in California. People like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. Uncle Sam needs YU to keep the ludicrous farce that is the Chinese/German/American/Japanese/British/Indian/Russian/Korean/South African/New Zealand viral bullshit economic charade going:

The Builders and The Butchers - Bringin' Home The Rain

Good night.

John Searle on Intention and Meaning

Listening to Searle talking from  22 minutes 11 seconds  on the importance of intention in determining the meaning of an utterance, ... well, it's pretty obvious isn't it, at least once it's been pointed out to one like this. But when, or if,  you listen to him, you see the futility of attempting to do public service in secret. Any body who attempted such a foolish thing would very rapidly disappear into a quagmire of meaningless, insane and criminal acts. See  Hannah Arendt on Pathological Political Associations  and  American Secret Societies . See  Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off . For the right way to do it, see  Indiana Jade on Information and Representation  and  Rewrite - SciFi Short .

Italian Doctors Know This, Right?

I didn't really think about it much until I heard Hannah Fry saying that it is standard advice when doing voice recordings not to eat gluten because it makes your mouth make 'sticky' noises when you speak.

I Don't Work For Fucking Warner Brothers Either

Just in case some deluded fuckwit thought otherwise. You would have checked with Warner Brothers' lawyers first, wouldn't you? See  Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off .

Opto-acoustic Imaging

See  On Emergence and Whole Systems , then watch the refraction by the shock wave at  7 minutes 42 seconds : Here's another: See  Eric Laithwaite on Understanding Analogues . In particular  this Italian translation of Ernst Mach's Popular Scientific Lectures  which seems to be missing all the interesting bits.

Channel 4 News Accused of Broadcasting Utter Fucking Crap for YEARS!

So the UK Government are a bunch of fucking thieves and crooks, ... We have known this for fucking decades . What you assholes actually do about it? You broadcast all the fucking crap you were told to broadcast.

The Second Amendment, ... You Don't Have To Be Capable of Actually Bearing Armaments YOURSELF!

Because, for example, ... they might be too heavy! 😀💓 See  Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off . ... it's an old war: Really old! See  Nikola Tesla and the End of The World : And it is unbelievably fucking stupid! And that is why it is over! And I told you this over a year ago!  I do not work for secret societies or exclusive clubs of any kind and I never will!  So why am I still in this position after a year? See  Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals .

Some Nazis at Chaos Communications Club on Climate

It's all in German so I have no idea what it's about. I know they're Nazis because they were called Code for Germany . Germany isn't the only country in the world, yet, ... is it? A country is just an administrative notion useful to corrupt little Scheiße who steal from the people under that administration. Shits like Herr Stonewall: ... Deutschland uber alles:

Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off

I am uploading a video about this, but it is going to take a couple of hours, because it is 5 minutes 51 seconds long, ... watch this space: Grant from 3blue1brown seems to be under the control of US/UK intelligence. This is psychological warfare and he is actively spreading disinformation. He needs to be put in jail. Right fucking now! He needs protective custody so that he can testify against the people who are 'running' him. My comments on YouTube : 9:46 😀😀 If you ever try proving that Wiener-Kuratowski pairing in set theory "works", i.e. that the injection of the projections is the same as the pair, then prep!! ... 24:03 I know the protocol is no good as soon as someone says "then a central database ..." it's not called the Central Intelligence Authority [ sic ] for nothing you know! You need to make a video about zero-knowledge proof protocols. Grant, you shouldn't be teaching high-school kids, you should be teaching the ss...

COVID-19-CoV2 Antibody Tests in Santa Clara CA Indicate Virus Mortality Little Greater Than Seasonal Influenza

See  Journeyman Pictures Three-part Series on The Pandemic .


You fucking cunts just stole another 10 pesos from me. You are finito!

All About Eve

She's quite cute. Only about 2mm tall though, ...

This Is Getting Really Bad!

There is no reason to believe this pandemic even exists, because we have no proper communications between professionals. See  We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications  and  Richard Kauffman on The Chinese Wuhan Virus Tests . See also this, on  Koch's postulates  which has been an established protocol to determine when a micro-organism has a causal relation to a disease: Which cites this CDC directive: COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. This sounds like a deliberate attempt to artificially inflate reported mortality rates. See  COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health  and  John Ioannadis (Stanford) On Data Analysis and Mass Media Overreaction . At  22 minutes 43 seconds ...

IT Industry Rip-off

It's a fucking joke! No wonder the US economy went down the pan, and took Japan with it. See  Ben Eater on Running a Breadboard at 1MHz .

Indiana Jade on Information and Representation

This is really interesting! More interesting than Neo-whatsits, anyway, ... Here's an amateur doing the same scene: See  Rewrite - SciFi Short  for more on presentation and representation. See  Greek numerals  for an authoritative description of how the Greeks represented numbers. But I wouldn't have done it like that if I  were Greek. I would have cooked up a rule to save myself from having to invent new names for bigger numbers which are obviously fractal. See ... and: ... and: ... and on  Hausdorff dimension  see  Nathan Has 1,000 Subscribers : And on variable bases, see  Asymmetric numeral systems  which are form of  entropy encoding . On their uses in probability, see  Measuring Ignorance  and look up  Kullback–Leibler divergence ; then see  Aristotle on The Continuum : At  8 minutes 20 seconds  (500 seconds) Norman says "Eventually the numbers I'm g...

We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications

... for climate science too. We should have been collecting spectrographic data on sunlight from all over the surface and from balloons at various altitudes, day and night, for decades. See  Tim Palmer - Greenhouse Blues . See  We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications .

We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications

Prof. John Ioannidis , MD, DSC, holds the C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University where he is professor of medicine, professor of health research and policy, and professor of statistics (by courtesy) at the School of Humanities and Sciences. From  1 hour 1 minute 33 seconds : He does not have access to data on COVID-19 in the USA or elsewhere. He is in shelter-in-place lockdown in the state of California and is apparently without communication with his peers. See  Rewrite - SciFi Short . See  We Need Universal Access to Secure Global Telecommunications  and  I'm Still Looking for A Job .

Journeyman Pictures Three-part Series on The Pandemic

Part I: John Ioannidis (See  John Ioannadis (Stanford) On Data Analysis and Mass Media Overreaction ) Part II: Knut Wittkowski Part III: David Katz Part IV: John Ioannidis

John Ioannadis (Stanford) On Data Analysis and Mass Media Overreaction

John Ioannidis  confirms the demographics of mortality reported from Italy. This video was posted two weeks ago. See  COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health . See the extended interview here:  Journeyman Pictures Three-part Series on The Pandemic .

Richard Kauffman on The Chinese Wuhan Virus Tests

He says the first tests used in Wuhan were based on a technique used to develop indicators for certain types of lung cancer. They are RT PCR , which is PCR on RNA sequences. An indicator is not a test, it is merely a data point which can be combined statistically with others to provide a whole set of tests which one hopes will be more or less effective in detecting some type of cancer. At  10 minutes 16 seconds  on the 80% false-positive rate, see  Hannah Fry - How to Bend The Rules  at  16 minutes 33 seconds At  24 minutes 4 seconds , on exosomes and viruses, see  How Viruses Work ,  Britt Glaunsinger on the Genomics of SARS-CoV2  and this, from  7 minutes 4 seconds : See  This Shows The Sort of People Behind Outbreaks of Viral BS . In particular, this video in which Wolfgang Wodarg mentions a test developed in Berlin that was 'fast-track' approved by the WHO. According to this  CDC Web Page on Rapid Mo...

Rewrite - SciFi Short

This one really does look very good, ... let's see, ... It's awesome! 💓 See  Stuff For Regression Analysis  and: This is what we're up against. It makes me wonder why anybody  would call this 'competition'! On Dawkins' insistence that evolution has to be gradual, see  Genesis . On the idea that there is no end to the hierarchy of meanings, see  On Tarski's Semantic Theory of Truth 'Convention-T'  and in a biological context  Lori on Extraterrestrial Life : So it is quite possible that during the course of the first few billion years of evolution of life, what evolved were not multi-celled organisms, but the cellular [metabolic]  dynamics of whole ecosystems of single-celled micro-organisms, which eventually produced the conditions for the close cooperation between cells that made multi-cellular organisms possible. ... So human physiology has clearly evolved with significant influence from micro-organisms. And so has...

Richard Wolff on Coronavirus, Capitalism and Stupid Billionaires

This is an excellent  AcTVism Munich interview. At  28 minutes 10 seconds  Wolff points out that the financial crises are always named after the events that triggered them, as if the idea of capitalism was intrinsically sound, but that these unforseen problems were to blame for the occasional collapses that happen. If that is so, then why was Bill Gates running around for several years talking an impending pandemic? This was foreseen, by someone well connected with Wall St. (Gates was on the board of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway). So why wasn't the financial system able to take the hit, Bill? Because the US Government didn't spend enough? You know what I think, Bill? I think you're a fucking little crook and that you're on your way to prison!

Virologist Dr. Prof. Karin Mölling Putting This Viral BS in Context

We are being taught a lesson by the virus. You can turn on English subtitles if you need them. See  COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health  and  Male Suicide .

COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health

The death figures for March from the UK Office of National Statistics show that this is a pandemic amongst mostly people who are chronically ill. Of those who died, fewer than 10% did not have any other co-morbid condition. The remainder had on average between two to three other diseases. What I find suspicious however is the absence of statistics on how many deaths occurred in hospitals or nursing homes, and the absence of statistics concerning bacterial infections contracted in hospital. Are these really negligible? See  Former CDC Director Tom Frieden on US Healthcare . What this confirms is that if we can increase the general level of health then these pandemics will simply not be a problem. See  Male Suicide . This demonstrates the almost total incompetence of the WHO. See  This Shows The Sort of People Behind Outbreaks of Viral BS . Statistics such as these should have been being collected world-wide because they are vital to producing an effective strategy ...