COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health

The death figures for March from the UK Office of National Statistics show that this is a pandemic amongst mostly people who are chronically ill. Of those who died, fewer than 10% did not have any other co-morbid condition. The remainder had on average between two to three other diseases. What I find suspicious however is the absence of statistics on how many deaths occurred in hospitals or nursing homes, and the absence of statistics concerning bacterial infections contracted in hospital. Are these really negligible? See Former CDC Director Tom Frieden on US Healthcare.

What this confirms is that if we can increase the general level of health then these pandemics will simply not be a problem. See Male Suicide.

This demonstrates the almost total incompetence of the WHO. See This Shows The Sort of People Behind Outbreaks of Viral BS. Statistics such as these should have been being collected world-wide because they are vital to producing an effective strategy for combating spread of the disease. See Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology and Ros Eggo's talk here:

The UK's problem is that for decades, decisions regarding health care policies were left to people who had in mind only their own interests of pecuniary gain. See FT Illustrating The Problem With Modern Medicine:
It's just that the decision-makers and experts don't know anything about biology or medicine, all they know about is their brain-dead, corrupt industry and government.
Australian investigative journalist John Pilger has been looking at this in some depth.

... here he talks to Afshin Rattansi about the film:

At 5 minutes 33 seconds between three and six hundred million dollars per year spent on 'management consultant's' fees. What they should have been doing instead is mathematical modelling:

At 4 minutes 49 seconds, many of the difficult decisions that policymakers are faced with are only difficult because they are trying to make those decisions on the basis of a static set of background assumptions. If instead they paramaterised the policies on changing background assumptions they would not appear dichotomous, but instead, simply pragmatic decisions on how to raise the general level of health of the whole population as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The problems in the US are similar, but the system there is even more corrupt:

See Hannah Fry - How to Bend The Rules and Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology.


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