WHO Director General Seems to Have Gone Mad

See John Searle on Intention and Meaning.

He thinks he's done the best job he could have under the circumstances. He has been working with experts from all around the 🌍🌎🌏 ...
The question is how did he decide who were the experts, and how did he make sure they were in communication with him? See We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications and then see John Ioannadis on The Wider Consequences of Viral BS.

The only experts mentioned are the 15 details from the United States Government Center for Disease Control, who have been working there since 1st January. Well, no wonder Trump cut off US government funding for the WHO. The US Government paid for most of that useless shit-show that the WHO put on! See This Is Getting Really Bad! I'm surprised Trump didn't send some people from the FDA to help out too! See Richard Kauffman on The Chinese Wuhan Virus Tests. And fuck, why not the Treasury Department too?! See More Ludicrous Nonsense from Wall Street and World Bank's Global Pandemic Casino. Also This Shows The Sort of People Behind Outbreaks of Viral BS.

The DG is responsible for the actions taken by the organisation, including who are their senior advisors.


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