Bill Gates is Much, Much Smarter than I Am

I don't know what the fuck he's talking about here! But why does he sound like Kermit the frog when Miss Piggy has her hand between his legs?

You know what I think Billy Boy? I think you know that you are talking utter crap, but you're not smart enough to invent a story that isn't so transparently bullshit. You never were any good at lying, because the truth is, Bill, you're thicker than really fucking stupid shit. See Men Talking Crap:
 › Here's another good read. This is one of the most thoughtful of the pieces on this theme that have appeared in the past few weeks. ...
Unfortunately you won't see the piece he quotes here because it's now just a 404 error. But I can tell you it was a piece of transparent bullshit and you'd have to have been severely educationally retarded not to have seen that immediately. This is the paragraph on Billy's BS Blog to which I am referring:
It’s not that we should ignore the wealth and income data. But consumption data may be even more important for understanding human welfare. At a minimum, it shows a different—and generally rosier—picture from the one that Piketty paints. Ideally, I’d like to see studies that draw from wealth, income, and consumption data together.
Earlier texts talked explicitly about the wealth gap reducing markedly in recent years. That text showed that globally middle incomes had shown greater percentage increases than higher incomes. Therefore, concludes Billy boy, the wealth gap is getting smaller! Bill, just because reading that made your hard little dick go nanosoft doesn't mean you're not still getting much richer, much faster than anyone on a median income ever will, you fucking asshole!

You know what your problem is Billy? You're just not enough of a fucking cunt.

See Lyre Bird.

I'm sure the Japanese have a word this syndrome.

See Oil Futures Negative and Anastasia Lin on the Chinese Communist Party and DW On Using Mobile Data To Control Pandemics.

See Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity.


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