This Is Getting Really Bad!

There is no reason to believe this pandemic even exists, because we have no proper communications between professionals. See We Need Data and We Need Secure Telecommunications and Richard Kauffman on The Chinese Wuhan Virus Tests. See also this, on Koch's postulates which has been an established protocol to determine when a micro-organism has a causal relation to a disease:

Which cites this CDC directive:
COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

This sounds like a deliberate attempt to artificially inflate reported mortality rates. See COVID-CoV2-19 Is A Test of a Population's General Level of Health and John Ioannadis (Stanford) On Data Analysis and Mass Media Overreaction.

At 22 minutes 43 seconds on the repeated use of RNA tests in recent pandemics, see CDC Web Page on Rapid Molecular Assays which lists various recommendations for tests and says "These tests can detect influenza viral RNA or nucleic acids in respiratory specimens with high sensitivity and high specificity." That is pure bullshit! You simply cannot have a test with high specificity if you are testing RNA sequences. You are testing artificially amplified sequences, not the original molecules.


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