War Crimes

Macron's Napoleonic stance, ...

... is in no small part due to French Fries, ...

... which are extremely popular in South East Asia, ... As is Voice of America, in Laos, ... but probably not in Cambodia, ...

For some more clues, see We Were Soldiers

Here are two mildly amusing deleted scenes: The Wounded, and the central dichotomy of war: I guess that settles it. This is a personal account of the battle on which parts of that film were based. This is another documentary covering the events of the days that followed. See also this list of material on Vietnam.

But expect the facts to be portrayed in different times at different places:

The name of this hot dish is Sig. Int. Soup:

Or maybe it's just a load of Crêpe Suzette:

See Nikola Tesla and The End of The World. In particular:

See also Robots Re-encarne-nation, in particular:

The tenth category: Radioactive Substance:

See Hybrid Digital Analogic Music and Light Synthesis. And the non-existential metaphysics, if you care about such things:

Have a nice weekend, gamers:

See Scottie Nell Hughes Fishing for Asteroid Links. We tried, really we did, but you thought it was just a video-game.

It was a video game, but the display and the processor are something out of this world!

I would be interested to know how many women don't think that the description of symptoms of narcissistic abuse described here don't apply to them. And I guess it is the same for some black people. But just listen to this guy's guitar!

And Robert Johnson and the Devil? Well, ...

... he ain't done tellin' dat story yet, ...

... not Robert Johnson, nor the damned Devil! See de Bunked YouTube Channels and Nikola Tesla and the End of The World.


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