The Systemic Cause of Pandemics

These three videos explain what I wrote in this post: Plan B™ For Covexit.

The environment in which a virus evolves in modern man is an artificial environment created by our efforts to innoculate ourselves against threats such as flu, tuberculosis and other diseases.

So in man, the viruses which survive the artificial selection processes of human virologists are the ones we don't know anything about, because we only just created them and we don't know what they could do next.

See Hysteria and Ignorance Kills and also Joe Scott on William James Sidis.

For more on the natural evolution of viruses, see This is A Big Part of Our Problem and Coronavirus A War Against Humanity?

How to fight a pandemic: be like water. See Using Probabilistic Reasoning in Epidemiology and this:

For more on the information engineering applications of control theory (at 3 minutes 56 seconds) see Element 14 Learning Videos.


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