Scottie Nell Hughes Fishing for Asteroid Links

Asteroid Links are where we play a hybrid game called Prez Golf, ...

Who's we? Me, Willow Smith, ...

... a bunch of people in Queens or someplace like that, ...

... some guy called Bruce, ... and an untold number of other beings, ...

When I was a child, aged eight or nine, my parents took my brother and I on a trip to Europe and the UK. We lived in Port Elizabeth, South Africa at the time and where about to emigrate to Auckland, New Zealand. We visited Stonehenge and as we approached I felt very distinctly that I had been there before, in a dream. The feeling of deja vu was even stronger at the long narrow near Silbury hill.

So this stuff might well backfire horribly ...

... if any multiversers try it on us!

See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals for clues as to why this is a Universe. The reason is deeply connected with anthropology. See Economic and Technological Development, and this excellent talk by Jeremy Narby:

It's because, in an upside-down world, tele-communication becomes something that disconnects people, so, ... How to reconnect us? ...


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