de Bunked YouTube Channels

Lots of really first rate reporting being done all over the place. This Sunday Times Profiles playlist looks very good. For example Teresa May's nebulosity after her party's DUP alliance and the Grenfell Tower fire on 14th June 2017, Donald Trump's birthday present from MI5? Smoke?  Some Dancing Queen? It's nebulosity, nebulosity, nebulosity, Juncker.

And this Sunday Times Investigations, for example:

What was described in that report was a company that is effectively a factory for setting up international money-laundering operations like this one, which 25 Met officers have had under surveillance for months,  and, having collected evidence that the gang has laundered around £350 thousand pounds, which is less than half a million dollars, they are now going to do a high-profile bust:

This is why I have problem lads: you are not doing your jobs. See On Law Enforcement and Scientific Knowledge. Your problem isn't racism. That's just a smokescreen. You're not that much more racist than any other government institution in Britain. This is your real problem: it's MI5/6 and the RUC Special Branch and the Scotland Yard Anti-terrorist Branch trying to cover up a tsunami with a smokescreen: Denis Donaldson was Betrayed by Everyone Who Knew Him. And for more on Murdoch's Mission: Denis Donaldson and the "Brexit Backstop".

Let's give the last word to Mountbatten: 21 minutes 33 seconds in 1969,on ambition and a life-time achievement, and at 28 minutes 52 seconds on Mountbatten's  ”spirit of the hive” in the making of the programmes, and, conspicuous by his absence, the man who will be held to account by history:

This is one wing of the butterfly. On conspicuity by absence and "How it Was":

And for more on the Great Green Shadow 5, ...

... see Robots Re-encarne Nation. And for more on de Bunkering, see Maya Burns.


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