Hybrid Digital Analogic Music and Light Synthesis

When I was a kid used to wire up 555 timers together and synthesize sounds and flash lights. I only had a few 555 chips, so I don't think I ever did much more than three layers of control, but I could imagine doing stuff like this:

See Soviet Electro-Techno Gymnastics-Aerobics Exercises Record of 1984.

I did not imagine shit like this!

See Twin Peaks Archetype Hits New Mexico.

Nor anything like this!

But rather, sweet wee tunes like this:

It's that thin fire that was everywhere in winter of 2005/6.

Anyway, the idea I want to throw up, as it were, is to build an interactive Internet collaborative framework for building up compositions like this:

Combining them with light-shows, video and stuff. The idea is to keep the song changing. The way these guys did it ...: See Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii:

... again and again, and again, all over the world:

The exercise is that of maintaining the four-fold electrical system. See Nikola Tesla and The End of the World.

Because humanity is not mind alone, humanity is mind realised in material substance. The tenth category, which we call the reality check-point:

See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals ... and this time-capsule (entirely metaphysical, you understand, because existentially immaterial: take it, or leave it, whichever you choose matters only to you.) left by a long-defunct robot Napoleon:

They made Top Gun 2 in 1992, but nobody noticed:

Well, nobody except David Lynch:

Which brings us back to Hebrews 13:14. See Robots Re-encarne-nation and Syd Barrett's last published contribution to The Pink Floyd, in December 1967.

For more on what is a joke and what is a tree, see Michael Craig-Martin. An oak tree, 1973.

The alternative? We watch Her much more spectacular son et lumiere show.

Artists know things:

See Twin Peaks Archetype Hits New MexicoMaya Burns and How Gaia and Uranus Decide Where to Strike.

What I have in mind are ways that people living in city-states could landscape their own minds:

... and make their journeys to and from work more fun:

So that they can participate in building the kind of worlds they dream about, not just the kind others dream of:


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