Robots Re-encarne-nation

This is the weirdest Vietnam War movie I have ever seen! I mean, the guy is not the slightest bit concerned about what NDAs and stuff he signed before they erased him, ...

I think it's part of the explanation of this:

... and this:

... and this:

Grace Slick lives in Malibu. Six years ago she said that back in 1968 she thought "There's a lot more screw-balls out there than I thought there were". She does visual art now. See e.g. This Video on a piece of Magical Realism from an artist in California. See also:

See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World. And there's more where that came from. Much more:

And it is to explain all this:

Who do I work for? Do you remember?

Before we go napalming more opera houses in the jungle, can we cut to a woman who is a post-doctoral research assistant at Harvard, listening to this lecture: and rolling her eyes upwards at this statement saying out loud "resurrection of whom?" And when she hears this anecdote at 18 minutes 26 seconds "That's an economic problem!" ...

... and bitching about why she can't get a job as an engineer, because she hates physics! See Dianna Cowan is Still Looking for a Job and see what Voltaire had to do to get Candide into print, and how much better it made life for him!

But now let's get back to the problem of how to deal with the Devil:

See also part 2:

Then listen to the discussion:

Here's Mary Norman reading from Edward F. Edinger's book Archetype of the Apocalypse: Divine Vengeance, Terrorism, and the End of the World, published in March 22, 2002, after 9/11.

Note the statement of Jung at 4 minutes 50 seconds:

See also Mississippi Cookin' for more on events in Chicago in 1966. Also read about the history of this song.

For more on prophecies see Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals. Or spend a couple of lifetimes living in Grace Slick's beautiful mind, if you dare:

Let's give the last words to James Jesus Angleton: at 10 minutes 43 seconds, see Beware the insiduous Penetrator, my son!

For more on the Great Red Shadow, see the butterfly's other wing: de Bunked YouTube Channels.


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