Roger Waters on Julian Assange

Roger says Julian's only crime was to speak the truth.

What I would like to know is how Roger knows that Julian did indeed speak the truth. To know that you would have to to know a lot more than just that the videos which appeared on WikiLeaks web servers were in fact those given to him by Chelsea Manning or whoever is supposed to have given them to WikiLeaks. And then you need to know that those were the videos actually seen by all the people who looked at the WikiLeaks web servers using their mobile phones, or their desktop computers at work, or their laptops while they were waiting in airport departure lounges. But that's not the hard part. See Protestors Projecting Video onto UK Houses of Parliament. The hard part is this:

You would have to know that those were the videos that the leaker intended to leak. This could only be established by a very detailed investigation of the Pentagon and US Military systems that were the origin of the leak. How the fuck does Roger Waters know all that shit?!

And Afshin mentions Taylor Swift at 3 minutes 51 seconds. She could explain what I'm talking about, and a lot more besides, so why doesn't he look at her Twitter feed:

Hey, Taylor, you should cover this song one day:

See also this: David Lynch With Some Horrible AdvicePsy Warfare Victim and CIA Idiots.

And at 12 minutes 59 seconds, Afshin says "Music has been such a great part of rebellion against elites, ... in South Africa, ..." Really? See The Camera's Rolling - Agnes Obel and Nikola Tesla and the End of The World.

See also (without bag-pipes, mercifully!)

Roger, I'm sick of your weasely crap!

At 16 minutes 37 seconds "We contacted the Colombian and Bolivian Embassies" What is this? Is it my extradition that's being heard? Fuck off! I have not been charged with any crime by either the US, British or Bolivian authorities. So forget it. If you can't speak to me then you can't take any legal action against me.  Trying to pretend this is about me when you can't mention my name. That's madness.

People going to ludicrous lengths to get this stuff out. It's the freemasons that are behind this. Start locking them up, right fucking now! This is not a joke, nor is it an idle threat. This is one almighty fucking mess and all the men in positions of responsibility are on cocaine and have gone out of their tiny little minds. Sort it out. Now! See US Travel Ban Extended to Former British Colonies and War Crimes.

It's NATO war criminals that seem to be the problem: see Some Sage Advice from US OfficialsThe Trouble With Buying Your Software and Virtual Nation USA/UK.

Roger, do you do a lot of coke? It sounds like you do! (Sniff!) That might be your problem.

See also Julian Assange for more on US/UK illegal intelligence collusion. Or ask Roger Waters because he's part of it. (Sniff!)


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