The Camera's Rolling - Agnes Obel

Cute video effects, and a lovely song.

The script is burning
On heavy fuel
No time to lose
What will you do?

Camera’s rolling
What will you do?
What will you do? 
that you can’t undo?

The gun is loaded
What will you do?
Cruel gifted fool
What will you do?
What will I do? I'll pull the trigger. See Billie Eilish - The End of The World.

Now that's what I a call a fortune cookie. See Local Paper Reports Eight dead, 100 Wounded in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

This script, is complex! Maybe Werner Herzog can explain it? See Werner Herzog on Klaus Kinsky

See Raif Badawi:

Badawi was arrested in 2012 on a charge of "insulting Islam through electronic channels" and brought to court on several charges, including apostasy. In 2013 he was convicted on several charges and sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes. In 2014 his sentence was increased to 10 years in prison, 1000 lashes, and a fine. The flogging was to be carried out over 20 weeks. The first 50 lashes were administered on 9 January 2015. The second flogging has been postponed more than twelve times. The reason for the most recent postponement is unknown, but the previous scheduled floggings were delayed due to Badawi's poor health. Badawi is known to have hypertension, and his health has worsened since the flogging began.
He's not the most famous persecuted journalist though. Why? Because he only published his own material? Or because there was more money at stake?  See US Travel Ban Extended to Former British Colonies. Or is he supposed to be an artist doing art? See Roger Waters on Julian Assange.


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