David Lynch With Some Horrible Advice

He says here, at 2 minutes 40 seconds, something about reviewing earlier work. That sends shivers down my spine.

This assumes that you actually have control over what part of your "work" is published. I have never had that. So for example, just browsing through this rubbish makes me cringe. I was under extreme stress at the time I wrote that. I was becoming aware of what my life had actually been, but which nobody had had the decency to tell me. And I was trying to see a way around all the angles I knew about. I had never intended to distribute it, and only sent a copy to my mother and to Laura Pausini, saying clearly to both that I wanted Laura to be the one who decided what to do with it. But electronic communications, and mothers, being what they are, it was made very clear to me within a few weeks that the text had got as far as Miami, FL. I suspect my mother passed it to my ex-wife who passed it to Sarah Walker. The text is complete crap. Drivel. But, knowing that it had evidently been sent all over the place, I felt obliged to acknowledge that I was the author. Otherwise, I have no interest in anything that is not part of Guerilla Logic.

And then I watch hours of shit like this. When you know what a pile of utter crap the Internet really is, then you know that all this talk of privacy and security and freedom of press is a huge pile of fucking meaningless garbage.

Now fuck off all of you! If you can't tell me what your stupid fucking problems are, and then you insist on making them my problems then you're worse than no use at all.


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