Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals

This is part of some comments I posted here yesterday: The UN's New Temporary HQ

Australian Aboriginal cosmology. See from 3 minutes 33 seconds:

In particular note the resting place of the great rainbow serpent: 4 minutes 41 seconds. Now recall the canyons mentioned at 2 minutes 42 seconds

The Grand Canyon in Hopi cosmology.

See from 6 minutes 13 seconds:

... and this London Grammar video:

and 8 minutes 42 seconds and 9 minutes 30 seconds. Then see this video:

... which suggests the answer to this question:

... is NO, they are hardly your young years, and you are not wasting even one minute of them. As to where it is that you get your information, Oh Woman, Oh Man, it is us:

... people in bombed-out buildings in London, those who are calling:

It is not only women and men, but horses, wolves, dogs and other animals. The Comanche use native horse spirit medicine:

The assertion often made, that those horses brought by the Spanish were the first horses the Native Americans had seen seems to me to need justification.

So maybe that old Indian man I used to see standing and spitting outside the cinema in Leicester Square in 1984 came through a portal from the Grand Canyon,...

And there is a fairly rich tradition of burning people in Europe too: it's called "making Celtic steel and bronze" which is burning the dross out of iron and brass:

... see also Lori on the Fake Economy where you can read about the Cathars who were burned at Montsegur in France.

Where are we taking this? Well, it's an alcoholic beverage called STS 52:

Looking for the Australian Aboriginal people. At 2 minutes 33 seconds: "... One time, there was a son of a witch-doctor. He went hunting, ... and the mimis took him, ...”

At 11 minutes 33 seconds, these people have the solution to stabilising the stock markets, and the economy in general. Apparently the Central Banks already know this trick:

At 24 minutes 32 seconds. Uranium mining started in the 70s.

Letter to B.J. - Can you hear me Bjelke-Petersen From your leather padded chair? ...

At 35 minutes 36 seconds reconnecting the stolen generation through practicing Aboriginal art. see this piece:

Bob Randall was one of the stolen generation.

Here he talks about the land owning the people.

Viva la Revolución:

See The Foundation Parts III, II and I.

Anatomy of a train wreck: start with a bad education system, and force it on those who know better, even though they cannot convince you of this fact:

See The Name of the Game.

Kay, so now you know why the intoxicating alcoholic cocktail STS-52 is called Seven-up and Teachers on the rocks.

See Lori on Extraterrestrial Life for the science, and Lori's New Book for the literature, a.k.a. software.

What I am doing here is not revealing some previously hidden truth to you. I am simply giving an example of the autonomy of the human mind which Hillary Putnam explains here:

Blogger has just deleted about two hours worth of my edits without asking, just because I visited an open tab on an earlier edit. Why are your standards so low? Because I write stuff you understand? I only write this rubbish because you won't let me write software. I am not paid to be psychotherapist for a bunch of demented children, but you are paid to write software. See Satish Kumar on Trees and Miracles and The Human Mind and I'm Still Looking for A Job.

One of the consequences of this autonomy of the human mind is that a group of people who can think clearly and rationally can take control of the physical and psychological development of the Universe. You were warned, but you thought it was a case of someone crying ”Wolf"...

You were right. It was the birds.

... forest birds:

And the rest, ... Well, ...

... It's all here. See On Law Enforcement and Scientific Knowledge.

So now you see Why Telecommunications Security Really is Ever So Important, don't you?


  1. To explain the bit I wrote at the top about comments I posted on my own blog: for several weeks, from around Christmas 2019, after I smashed my phone and my Samsung tablet, I posted comments on my Livelogic blog, to which I no longer had moderator/author access, and I hoped someone else was reading them. I had fun imagining that the captcha people where reading what I wrote on the responses, and I hat they were replying to me, but I never got any confirmation of that. This maybe explains this very weird Dust short which popped up today: https://youtu.be/45JUnEl9jr4


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