Twin Peaks Archetype Hits New Mexico

In an abandoned church on Route 66, ...

Later, ...

... the cast talk about what Twin Peaks really is:

... and the new theme ...

... is cannibalism:

... and ...

... Future-self Destruction, see Synthetic Characters:

... crazy 8 shit ...

... in the era of the cat.

See China Going to the Dogs. Do you remember what this is about Vladimir Vladimirovich? Grant and Slick Ent.. Inc. Presents, ...

It's about gathering substancial intelligence. From Hollywood:

And just about everywhere else, by the sounds of it!

Including St. Petersburg, (in Russia!)

Coming back to life, all over the fucking place!

As for "Over the Rainbow" ... We've forgotten where that is, .... All we know is this:

See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals.


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