Maya Burns

Maya Burns. Sounds like it could be a serious condition. Beware!

You know who she reminds me of here? The song this guy is rapping sounds like it could have been written by my friend Jesus Valdez from San Jose de Uchupiamonas, after he lost his little brother Camillo, who presumably got too big to get through the eje del augujo.

Now please think about these street kids, and how they would survive floods such as you have recently witnessed in South Australia, Oregon and England: Climate Change and if they didn't survive, then how would YOU know? So then you can tell me what climate change denial is denying, and to whom it is denied? Ask the Pope: any Pope.

See also this video, where Maya sings, plays saxophone, keyboards, guitar and bass, and a chaste leading role in the video:

Grace Slick's brother Darby plays a fucken' mean guitar!

And doesn't that remind anyone of Iroquois helicopters? See Robot Re-encarne Nation. But remember that hat not everyone is fortunate enough to understand the words of this song:

Violetta Parra only lived for fifty years. See Sarah Parkin and the UK Green Party.

See also:


Barrackman, do you know what this is about? The Scorpions Wind of Change de Bunked:

This Potsdamer Platz 1990 bit, I mean. Was it the Roger Waters "Die Wand" gig?

On 21 July 1990, ex-Pink Floyd member Roger Waters staged a gigantic charity concert of his former band's rock extravaganza The Wall to commemorate the end of the division between East and West Germany.
The concert took place at Potsdamer Platz – specifically an area of the former no man's land just to the north of the Reich Chancellery site, and featured many guest superstars.
It was preparations for this concert, rather than historical interest, that brought about the first detailed post-Cold War survey of the area with a view to determining what, if anything, was left of Hitler's bunker and any other underground installations. 
Although sections of the main Führerbunker were found, partially destroyed or filled in, another bunker complex was found further north that even the East German authorities had apparently missed, plus other cavities beneath land bordering the east side of Ebertstraße, although these turned out to be underground garages belonging to a former SS accommodation block.
See Obamagate is a Thing and Polly Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune.

For more weird east-west shit, in German, see Grant and Slick Ent.. Inc. Presents, ... And Potsdamer Platz in 1963, see 3 minutes 41 seconds:


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