Male Suicide

This is neither a purely psychological nor a purely sociological phenomenon. You will probably find that it has a predominantly clinical cause.


... and this, particularly at 7 minutes 18 seconds:

... and:

Now watch this, and think about how General Practitioners typically treat bipolar disorders, anxiety and depression, eating disorders etc. and then think about how those treatments impact back at the societal and psychological level. You will then see that the fact that only 12 men in the UK kill themselves on a typical day is remarkably low!

See This is A Big Part of Our Problem and Viruses May Be Better Than Antibiotics at Curing Bacterial Infection. So you can expect the insane coronavirus hygiene measures will exacerbate it. See On Chemical Sanitization and Former CDC Director Tom Frieden on US Healthcare.

The major part of our immune system is in the gut, and the micro-biome evolves and its genetic content is four times as great as our own.

And there is a positive feedback, because our gut can influence our mental state, ...

... and our mental state has a very real effect on our health:

This process need not necessarily be started from the physiological level, it can start from the higher consciousness:

We can mathematically model the gut-microbiome ecology in the same way we can model community ecology:

We can also use economic systems to couple community ecology with gut microbiome:

... in all sorts of different ways:

The solution: live toilet fish!

See Fantastic Hardware and Software that A Dead Toilet Fish Would Turn Its Nose Up At.

And this way of living is the only way we will be able to create a stable global economy in the face of threats from climate change and disease. See Tim Palmer - Greenhouse Blues and How Viruses Work. Then instead of killing others and then killing ourselves, we can start earning a decent living. See Resource Based Economy:

Now get this into your stupid fucking heads you goddamned assholes: I am sick and I am dying because you cunts are abusing me (666 seconds). This is not a movie, 'epic' or otherwise. This is my life, and I am going to find out who you are and I am going to prosecute you to the full extent of any and every applicable law, and I couldn't give a shit who you are or who your friends are. This doctor is out!

Listen to Lissa Rankin at 16 minutes 59 seconds:

There is no point in writing stuff for demented fucking morons who go around the streets playing bad music thinking they're fucking heroes:

This is the problem Pope Francis:


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