'Er Maj. Puts George Gallow[s w]ay in Mind of Vera Lynn

... and Roger Waters' The Wall, I shouldn't wonder!

His speech puts me in mind of George Formby. Quite prophetically, I think:

Being reunited with my family sounds much more like a threat than a promise. What I want to see, marm, is you and your so-called government reunited with their senses. Particularly their sense of reality! I am not the property of the Crown or the so-called University of Cambridge or of the British people. I don't care how many bullshit movies you make about it!!

See All About Eve - December and WION - Love in The Time of Coronavirus.

Another Royal Command performance, marm? This time served with Prawn Coctail flavoured crisps and Thousand Island™ dressing?

Which strings? Let's start here, with a bucket of dicks, shall we?

Don't worry, we'll get here quickly enough! Queen Elizabeth II Hosts NATO Conference via Polly Samson's Theatre for Dreamers. And thence to Freeman Dyson Making Complete Sense of Modern Physics and Nick Cave on Being Stalked Like a White Hind and A Science Project for Young Witches and Element 14 Learning Videos and On Tidal Power Generation:

To the Bahamas, via Panama, George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing and on to 'offshore' secret banking in EC1! Hysteria and Ignorance Kills. Fair makes yer 'ead spin, don't it, marm?

My prognosis: this almighty fucking mess you're all in, marm, is not one that even Jesus Christ Superstar could get you out of! This is the kind of mess that takes centuries to clear up, so please don't expect me to do it for you in secret!! Talk about a bloody liberty!!!! High Hopes indeed:

I, marm, am not even granted the privilege to access my own photographs taken with a camera I made out of cardboard, rubber bands discarded in the street by the (privatized) Royal Mail and bits of aluminium drink can.

See New Court Collonade, St. John's College, Cambridge:

The Betty and Gordon Moore Library, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge:

Pictures speak, ...

See Poppies:

... 20th October 1994:


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