Freeman Dyson Making Complete Sense of Modern Physics

This is where you should start when trying to explain the problems with the idea of a unified theory of everything.

In 1999, I was working at the University of Cambridge DAMTP, in the High Energy Physics group. I was their computer systems administrator and my boss was Prof. Peter Landshoff. One day a guy calling himself Freeman Dyson turned up and a gave a lecture of complete bullshit about the idea that in the far distant future anything will be possible and everyone will be bored so they will reincarnate everyone who ever lived, presumably just as an amusing way to while away eternity. This guy did not look anything like the person who is speaking in this video. He sounds more like Frank Tipler, doesn't he? And he looked a lot like Frank Tipler too! This was a year after year Dyson gave the interviews below, and shortly after Julia "The Millenium Girl" Hawkins arrived. See Mitochondria Batteries.

Here's the reference to Bohr and Rosenfeld's seminal 1933 paper that introduced gauge fields.

You kind of wonder, well, Wheeler was Feynman's PhD supervisor, so presumably he had an English translation, or could read Danish, ... see:

See On Emergence and Whole Systems.

Here's Freeman Dyson talking about his relationship with Richard Feynman. It's an eye-opener. No, it's more than that, it's hysterically funny!

Here he talks about the Soviet spy Klaus Fuchs who was convicted in 1950 and spent nine years in prison in the UK before being sent to East Germany where he resumed his scientific career, ...

Here Dyson talks about the influence of Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch who
was J. E. Littlewood's successor in 1950 in the Rouse Ball chair at the University of Cambridge. It is interesting to see the common interests here of J. H. C. Whitehead at Oxford and Lev Pontryagin in the USSR, in metric geometry on abstract vector spaces. John Whitehead was the Nephew of Alfred North Whitehead who was Bertrand Russell's collaborator at Cambridge.

Three years before Dyson gave this interview, Aldrich Ames was recruited by the KGB:

Just sayin'.


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