Hysteria and Ignorance Kills

People are dying because of incompetent people who are hysterical and incapable of rational thought. You're All Going Mad.



God save us from insecure, incompetent authority!

It's going to take 50 million quid for me to clean up this fucking mess you've made, George Galloway, and you and your friends are going to put the money up for the initial payment. We will make a second installment of 500 million from funds we recover from the thieves.

See How To Explain Physics Using Economics.

Simon Mann, this is the problem (see from 9 minutes 42 seconds), and we need it cleared up ASAP. We need to do it without any unnecessary bloodshed and legally. Every action, lethal or otherwise, needs to be recorded along with the reasons for the decision. You will need a lot of film crews who must be trained in advance. I would be delighted to help, but I will need a bit of help to get there.

In English:

In Spanish:

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In Italian:

It's been a long time in the planning:

And it's very overdue:

See my comment on YouTube:
Charles Darwin, whose father was a freemason, invented his theory of evolution to teach his old man a lesson. The lesson is that modern man, including at that time, middle and upper-middle class Victorian man, through his ineptitude at dealing with the world, creates his own artificial environment in which he selects future generations according to how much wealth their ancestors stole from other less fit individuals who were around at the time, but whose more numerous offspring were wiped out by wars which were deliberately prosecuted by those fitter freemasons in order to get more money. Now, after several generations, we are reaping the benefits of this natural selection process, witness the typical population of senior British academics at Oxford and Cambridge. Charles Darwin was a f*ck of a lot smarter than his old man!
And it is global:

Here's your birthday present from the United States, Simon. Let's get this fucking job done once and for all, and we can enjoy our retirement, otherwise ...

And here's a reminder, from the BBC, of why Aristotle placed such importance on Natural History as a basis for politics:

See The Works of Aristotle . And don't worry about the Web, she'll be able to make a much, much better one:

With language:


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