Element 14 Learning Videos

This one on (black) op-amps:

Now watch this:

Is there such a thing as a circular function generator? What I mean is a system which takes a square-wave or any other periodic signal input and produces a sinusoidal output voltage matching that input frequency. I imagine that it would consist of four op-amps acting as differentiators and integrators and connected in a loop which somehow uses opposite pairs to track a fixed point which is the exponential function:



Here's the simple square wave series:

This is not much more than han a low-pass filter. What I have in mind would be something more general:

At 12 minutes 41 seconds the Laplace transform characterises aperiodic signals, such as those you might expect to find in chaotic systems like fibrillating hearts and dripping taps:



... also BlackPenRedPen's Laplace Transform Marathon! And for some ideas about how to find efficient ways to produce numerical solutions, and rigourous proofs of the methods, see The Right Way to Formalise Mathematics. Norman Wildburger has just produced a series of lectures on complex exponentials and complex polynomials.

Think of it as Tide-predicting machine No. 3, if you like: (see Tide-predicting machine and Tide-Predicting Machine No. 2,) which synthesizes signals matching its inputs.

See Hybrid Digital Analogic Music and Light Synthesis.

Angela Merkel has a PhD?! Really?

If not then maybe Cambridge should consider giving her an honorary doctorate for her work on electrical signalling:

See Mitochondria Batteries, then This is A Big Part of Our Problem and then this:

... then All About Eve - Lady Moonlight and Women Playing Hard Ball.

Now, Tide-predicting machine no. 4 is a global network of pairs of Tide-predicting machines No. 3. See these videos on differential signalling:

See Process Synchronisation by Communication, particularly the discussion on thermodynamics and reversible computational processes starting on page 18, and then look at Measuring Ignorance.

What I have given here is just a vague outline of what I think a progressive teaching and research programme might look like. See On Progressive and Degenerative Research Programs. What we need, to know what a progressive teaching and research programme actually looks like, is universal global access to secure telecommunications: see I'm Still Looking for A Job.

For more ideas about this, see Prof. Michael Peters' talks in Blueprint For Progressive Democrats.

And for more on being like water, and joblessness in General, see:


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