
Showing posts from February, 2020

More From Cambridge

A week ago, I received this strange e-mail, purportedly from Markus Kuhn, via his gmail e-mail address. It is weird, and I cannot think why he would think that, after 12 years, I would recall tiny details about my work at the Computer Laboratory. Perhaps it is some veiled criticism of something stupid that I did, to show that I don't know anything about practical computer security. If so, then he doesn't need to tell me that. I know that I don't know anything about practical computer security! I couldn't know anything about something of which I have no evidence is even possible ! Ross Anderson, on the other hand, knows better: After I gave a talk on the sustainability of Safety, Security and Privacy at 36C3, the audience voted to select the cover art for the 3rd edition of Security Engineering: — Ross Anderson (@rossjanderson) December 29, 2019 Here's Ross' talk, which seems to be partly about the sustainability of in-car securi...

Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Here's an e-mail I sent the head of department, Ann Copestake, of the University of Cambridge Computer Lab five days ago, to which I have seen no reply to date. Dear Ann, I hope you're well. I have only just this minute that you're now Head of Department. Congratulations, I suppose, though the job might be a bit arduous! I have for several years now being trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to communicate with Andy Hopper, Larry Paulson and others in the department, trying to get their help to establish some working communications with people in Britain, in particular with my daughter Helen who is now at Cambridge, but with whom I have great difficulty communicating, and I suspect that this is because some people, including her mother, are pressuring her to influence in a manner that's obscure to me. Something exceedingly crooked has been going on behind my back, both while I was at the Lab and since leaving. I am most concerned about the number of people who have ...

Another Fucking Round

So what's my next problem? Germans who don't want to use Jewish mathematics to work out how badly the Brits ripped them off on dodgy debt swaps? Ugly old women who were dreaming of becoming owners of a matt black E-Class Mercedes Benz (2017) in exchange for half of some pension investment fund in secret account in Guernsey? Dow drops 13%. Interesting amendment to the chart title at  5 minutes 42 seconds . World II started in the 1950s. See  George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing . Agnes Obel on the rugged wheel: As I have said many times before: I have nothing else to do, so you would be very fucking stupid to wait for me to get bored. You see, I am a Woman in Love , and, ... I have nothing, not even a link to my girlfriend's really excellent rendition of that song, because someone wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to hack YouTube. But you know, please feel free to speak to me, if you want any help. But tell me your name and state ...

DW on Rethinking Growth and Sustainability

I haven't watched this yet, but if the makers don't fall into the "long-term economic growth is inherently unsustainable" fallacy then it will be the first such documentary I've ever seen, and I will be very happy! At 1 minute 50 seconds : "... we are wrecking the planet, ... nature is screaming at us to stop. ... And what we are doing, all around the earth, is growing  our economies." This the problem: This debt bubble is called "economic growth". But in reality it is value contraction. Raw materials which could have been used to create technology which could reduce overall natural resource use has been tied up in technology like cars which increase overall resource use. Because capitalism doesn't charge the future resource use into the costs, it appears to be an increase in net value, which justifies the debt. The result of this over many decades is that real value in the form of available natural resources is decreased, while ...

Sir Andrew Parker on Counterterrorism Access to Private Communications

This Guardian piece entitled  MI5 chief asks tech firms for 'exceptional access' to encrypted messages I hope that the answer is "No, not without accountability", which is impossible in the face of illegal international collusion between national intelligence agencies, see  George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing  and the inherent insecurities in the telecommunications systems available to the general public, see  George Galloway on Publishing Stolen Information . It is quite possible,  however. See  Reconciling The People's Rights to Privacy with National Security . provided we are allowed to make secure telecommunications systems universally available. See  Werner Herzog on The Internet . As regards Parker's statement that communications between terrorists cannot be effectively controlled, it seems that he has simply not been very well briefed.

Werner Herzog on The Internet

Herzog talking about this documentary of his called Lo and Behold: At  6 minutes 51 seconds  "Does the Internet dream of itself?" Well, it might be said to do so, if only it were actually connected up into one whole thing. But it is not, so it doesn't. I think this beautiful little documentary explains what I mean: watch it all, but pay particular attention to the discussion about the connection between imagination and reality which begins at  17 minutes 42 seconds This is the problem: it stems from the abuse of capital by wealthy people, principally motivated by the desire to control economic activity, see from  30 minutes 51 seconds , and the concomitant degradation of the standards of education and everything in the human sphere which depends upon education. See  What is the Sixth Estate? ,  Why is Telecommunications Security Important?  and  What is Socialist Economic Development?  The problem is that those who feel the n...

Facing Up Music

Dido - Hurricanes Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Hollywood Johnny Cash - When The Man Comes Around

Polly Boiko on ICYMI Winding Up

I feel really guilty! Something I said? See  Polly Boiko Ripping off a ... Or is it another UKUSA tug-of-war competition to see who will end up with the biggest bit of the Queen's favourite fucking corgi?  My Stuff Gets as far as Brooklyn, NYC  and  This is Cheering: Lori on Self-Promotion . Or is just because I unsubscribed from RT America's YouTube channel because I'm sick of their stupid shit? So perhaps we're going to get de RT America and de ICYMI ? See  de Bunked YouTube Channels . Here's some more clue: from  this Spectator piece by Polly, entitled "From Russia Today with love" It’s a square peg in a Kremlin-star shaped hole. Which makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for one, I should imagine! See  George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing  for more on freemasonry in Russia and elsewhere. See also  Another Fucking Round  and  DW on Rethinking Growth and Sustainability .

This is Cheering: Lori on Self-Promotion

She seems completely real!  Is she? Buy her book here:  I, Human .

Vladimir Putin Does Not Need an iPhone

He is the real deal: see  The New Pope . See also  Polly Boiko Ripping off a ...  and  George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing , in particular this bit on Putin's dark side:

Zimbabwean Parliament Building is Owned by the Anglican Church

See  from 2 minutes 22 seconds . The government cannot alter the colonial building! In South Africa, it's perhaps even worse: the land is owned by the freemasons. I say perhaps, because I am not sure that there is much difference between the Anglican church and the freemasons. See the history of the establishment of the Anglican church in the United States by the freemasons led by Benjamin Franklin :  Christ Church, Philadelphia ,  Christ Church Burial Ground  and  Episcopal Church (United States) .

Nikko Jenkins Sentenced to Death

Four murder convictions, and the judge said that Jenkins did not express any regret for what he had done. The thing is, you cannot expect someone who is a serial killer with a history of mental illness to express remorse in the same way someone would if they had, say, accidentally run over and killed a child. I mean, look at his face. Next thing you know the prison guards are going to confiscate his iPhone: see  Polly Boiko Ripping off a ...  I mean, who checks that someone facing trial for multiple murders is not being medicated whilst they are awaiting trial? Would he even know he was being medicated? Would he think "Hell, I don't usually feel like this when I'm on trial for murdering four people!" From  Nikko Jenkins : After being declared competent to stand trial, the proceedings against Jenkins commenced. On his request, Jenkins was allowed to represent himself at trial, under the guidance of advisory attorneys. Throughout the trial, Jenkins maint...

George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing

Mentions 20 year old law prohibiting extradition to the US on political grounds. George seems to be confused:  4 minutes 41 seconds . "You can't extradite someone unless you have a treaty. Otherwise we'd be extraditing people to China and Saudi Arabia, because we have no treaty with them ..." Well, in 1976 there was a CIA whistleblower, Philip Agee , who was given asylum in the UK, much to the annoyance of James Jesus Angleton. So it seems to depend upon a legal nicety called "integrity of the judiciary".  See from  5 minutes 50 seconds Angleton is showing classic symptoms of what C.G. Jung called shadow projection : Philip Agee died in Cuba in October 2003, shortly after George W. Bush took office. Listen to the quiet bits in the his video, and see  On Gary Webb . It seems highly plausible that Agee was assassinated, possibly by British agents. See  MI6 and CIA Rendition Update ,  Afghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion  ...

Polly Boiko Ripping off a ...

Well, that would be spoiling the plot, ... But Jamie Lee Curtis might've stolen that iPhone from a drug pusher, ... It all depends on the context, you see, ...: ... don't you? Jesus, Vicodin is  bad shit . I don't want to think about how you could fuck someone up by giving them this crap without their knowing they we're taking it. Think Gaslight  with pharmaceutical tools. See this, in Spanish: See also  This Talk Keeps Reappearing on my YouTube Disposition Matrix . Posted within three minutes of my posting this:  Dating Etiquette Post Weinstein . View this post on Instagram According to an article in The Times, millennial men are confused about the etiquette of modern romance. Is it still OK to approach someone in a bar? Butchy and Polly went on a pub crawl to find out. 👩‍❤️‍👨🥂 Video coming soon! #datingadvice #lookingforlove #tinder #hinge #grindr #millennials #sevendials #coventga...

My Stuff Gets as far as Brooklyn, NYC

See my comment  here : ... and  Here's Another Video  and  This Talk Keeps Reappearing on my YouTube Disposition Matrix . See also my comments here : and here :

George Galloway on Publishing Stolen Information

You can't speak meaningfully of stolen information unless you have secure communications. In a court of law you would have to demonstrate  to a jury that the information published was known by you at the time you decided to publish it, to actually have been illegally obtained. In the present condition of the Internet and commercially distributed software, that knowledge is impossible. Publishing stolen information fucking well ought to be illegal, because doing so, without any way of verifying its authenticity, is downright criminally irresponsible. So please do not try to conflate Julian Assange with me! See  Here's Another Video  and  Jul-ian Assange Loses Half of his Christ-ian Name . Contact Ross Anderson at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory for an authoritative opinion on this matter:

This Talk Keeps Reappearing on my YouTube Disposition Matrix

I don't know why. Maybe because it mentions that I have sex about as often as couples in no-sex marriages have sex with each other. Or maybe because of the hilarious bit of audience participation at  6 minutes 52 seconds . You know who you you are, but I don't, because you can't speak to me. See  Here's Another Video ,  Polly Boiko Ripping off a ...  and  I Can't Help You In Your Present State . In particular, from  7 minutes 33 seconds : Once you have understood that, you will be able to move on to the advanced course: That of becoming a human being, not merely a person: Lori got the message:

Here's Another Video

Sorry, this is the best my studio facilities allow. See  I Can't Help You In Your Present State . See also  Jul-ian Assange Loses Half of his Christ-ian Name  and  Roger Waters on Julian Assange . I dunno babe. I think a big part of being happy is knowing that there is a future worth living in. So if I had five more minutes I would spend it finding out whether or not the world really was going to end. See  Billie Eilish - The End of The World . Keeping me on the street you leave me vulnerable to this sort of abuse:  Polly Boiko Ripping off a ...

Jul-ian Assange Loses Half of his Christ-ian Name

You couldn't make this stuff up, could you? Here's a very recent DW documentary, narrated by Laura Poitras, I think. Another German documentary with English subtitles. George Galloway on Assange assassination plot by US government. George thinks some people in the UK are waking up to the idea of sovereign government. Ron Paul on Trump's betrayal of Julian Assange. Well, I supported Trump vocally in the first year and a half of his presidency. But I stopped once I became convinced that Trump was not his own man, and that he was allowing others to use him as a vehicle to persue their own particular interests. But I am not Julian Assange! See this:

I Can't Help You In Your Present State

People here in Cochabamba who want to make a difference are going to have to find the courage to leave behind those who don't want to change. This explains why individuation is vitally important in the realization of a collective human mind, as distinct from a hive mind which is always vulnerable to subversion by particular interests. This is important, because it is the only way you are going to be able to create a sustainable economy. See the first few pages of  Economic and Technological Development of La Madre Tierra : This is how it can work in practice: Maybe Donald Trump could learn something about the value of communications, if he watched this.

Nils Melzer Has Taken Off The Gloves

This is a really good news. The UN has a human rights representative who can punch really hard. Listen to this interview and follow up on the points Afshin raises, such as who was the Swedish prosecutor involved in constructing the rape case against Assange, and who was the QC who handled the UK end of the extradition proceedings. See e.g.  Vanessa Beeley on US/UK Backed Terroriism Operations in Syria Targetting Civilians  and  UN Rapporteur on Psychological Torture .

UK FCO Officials Could be Guilty of Participating in Torture

See from  5 mins 10 secs  "Johnson said it was a credit to Foreign Office officials that, ..." The FCO is the government department which oversees MI6 and MI5 as well as GCHQ, I think. See  Julian Assange .

After Months, Some Assistance

Why did nobody here tell me anything about this? Is there really nothing  I could do to help? How do you know? See  Instalan puntos de acopio en Cochabamba para ayudar a combatir los incendios en Santa Cruz . What is the matter with people here? See  Billie's Trying to Teach me to Sing .

Werner Herzog on Klaus Kinsky

This is hilarious. Instead of actually helping the guy make the world a better place, the fucking bastard exploits him to make a movie. See  The Camera's Rolling - Agnes Obel  and  This Reminds me of The Time I ...  ...

US Travel Ban Extended to Former British Colonies

Here's Princess Basmah bint Saud talking about the ban three years ago: See this playlist on  Middle East Arms Trade  for an idea about what sort of a problem this really is: And for what is the solution:  This New Bond Movie : Jamaica was where James Bond was chillin' the first time we met: I saw Dr No  on a cruise ship going from South Africa to Australia in 1975 or so. Why they were showing a thirteen-year-old movie I don't know.

Roger Waters on Julian Assange

Roger says Julian's only crime was to speak the truth. What I would like to know is how Roger knows that Julian did  indeed speak the truth. To know that you would have to to know a lot more  than just that the videos which appeared on WikiLeaks web servers were in fact those given to him by Chelsea Manning or whoever is supposed to have given them to WikiLeaks. And then you need to know that those were the videos actually seen by all the people who looked at the WikiLeaks web servers using their mobile phones, or their desktop computers at work, or their laptops while they were waiting in airport departure lounges. But that's not the hard part. See  Protestors Projecting Video onto UK Houses of Parliament . The hard part is this: You would have to know that those were the videos that the leaker intended to leak . This could only be established by a very detailed investigation of the Pentagon and US Military systems that were the origin of the leak. How the fuck d...

This New Bond Movie

Is looooong. If it takes a thousand years , ... so please don't hold your collective breath waiting for us  to get together. See  To The Unknown Man  and  The End of The World . Proofs and truths hypo-the-seas: See  Guerilla Logic  and this: ... and this: See  Hank Bukowski  and: And: See the pattern?  The Name of the Game .  › I'm not so sure that bumming a ride on the gravy train was such a good idea after all. With Miss Penelope holding the stick, and a dead ...

This Reminds me of The Time I ...

But I can't be bothered to recount it, ... Ask my daughter Helen Let's just say I had a better idea, ... I decided to rob a bank, ... See  The New Pope  and  The Camera's Rolling .

Hank Bukowski

This is so. It's like this only because our need for money in order to live makes us live under the rule of the sickest and most useless people I can imagine. We can change it whenever we want to. All we need is for everybody to have access to good education. See  The New Pope . And this applies to art of any kind, including high technology: