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A week ago, I received this strange e-mail, purportedly from Markus Kuhn, via his gmail e-mail address. It is weird, and I cannot think why he would think that, after 12 years, I would recall tiny details about my work at the Computer Laboratory. Perhaps it is some veiled criticism of something stupid that I did, to show that I don't know anything about practical computer security. If so, then he doesn't need to tell me that. I know that I don't know anything about practical computer security! I couldn't know anything about something of which I have no evidence is even possible ! Ross Anderson, on the other hand, knows better: After I gave a talk on the sustainability of Safety, Security and Privacy at 36C3, the audience voted to select the cover art for the 3rd edition of Security Engineering: — Ross Anderson (@rossjanderson) December 29, 2019 Here's Ross' talk, which seems to be partly about the sustainability of in-car securi...