DW on Rethinking Growth and Sustainability

I haven't watched this yet, but if the makers don't fall into the "long-term economic growth is inherently unsustainable" fallacy then it will be the first such documentary I've ever seen, and I will be very happy!

At 1 minute 50 seconds: "... we are wrecking the planet, ... nature is screaming at us to stop. ... And what we are doing, all around the earth, is growing our economies." This the problem:

This debt bubble is called "economic growth". But in reality it is value contraction. Raw materials which could have been used to create technology which could reduce overall natural resource use has been tied up in technology like cars which increase overall resource use. Because capitalism doesn't charge the future resource use into the costs, it appears to be an increase in net value, which justifies the debt. The result of this over many decades is that real value in the form of available natural resources is decreased, while false value in the form of credit or debt swaps, increases. See Another F*ing Round.

The underlying cause of this insanity is the degradation of actual knowledge. In other words, the corruption of scientific knowledge, as Imre Lakatos explained in 1973:

This should be enough background for anyone, who has listened carefully to the foregoing material, to be able to see how the Fourth Way Law which Basmah bint Saud bin Abdul Aziz describes here, accommodates climate security and economic educational development programs without requiring any adjustments at all.

See Werner Herzog on The Internet and Sir Andrew Parker on Counterterrorism Access to Private Communications.

Princess Basmah on education in Saudi Arabia:


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