Medjugorje Apparitions

Many devout Catholics have reported apparitions of The Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, Bosnia. See Our Lady of Medjugorje. There seems to be a great deal of uncertainty in the dates!


Then see Deafinitely 27th March and Mylène Farmer Gig. So, Ladies, whatever you do, don't gather in large numbers today!

For one possible scientific approach to studying such phenomena, see Susan Blackmore on Consciousness. It is a problem with a long history. See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals:

The problem is women wandering about in forests, it seems. Forests in Portugal, France, Bosnia, wherever, ... See Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in The Hills:

So the only kinds of collective religious experience with Vatican approval are the ones that are based entirely on endocrine signalling, molecular oestrogen-mimicry and social programming. Stuff like this is fine then, Francis, isn't it?

You are God's representative here on earth, aren't you, Francis? I'd invite you to a Burger King™ but it's closed right now, ... presumably in case someone has a religious experience that turns out to be completely life-changing for about 24 hours, depending upon the microbiological causal agent involved.

Otherwise I could offer you an esorcism. How about that? My friend Freddy the "priest" gave me one, uninvited, on 13th April 2011, and it really was life-changing. In fact, it fucking nearly killed me! But you know what they say, ... See On Psychobotanics and Neurology and The Logic of Aristotle.

To understand all this you need to know how to fill a Klein bottle, and you need to know the difference between водка and воды. See The Vatican Looking Pretty Woke!

PS Can I have my shoes back, please? I did not give them to you, they were stolen one night while I was asleep. You may keep the iPhone however. See Women Playing Hard Ball.

Johann Sebastian Bach also knew how to play his audience. Transparently! I think you could learn a lot from J.S. Bach and Mylène Farmer:


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