To The Unknown Man

The man also known as U&Q, or, if you think you're playing his girlfriend in a movie, one called Pottytraining 3, U&G.

Man, that is one mixed-up mess of a composition!

America, you have the dumbest fucking problems. Do you know that?


Here's that exhibition of documents Putin mentions:

Now watch this:

Then wonder:

Really, ask yourselves, "What is America?". You know my answer already. America is not a state, it is a process. The process is called civilization.

And this process was still ongoing in 1832 along the Standing Rock River, I think. It was then called The Black Hawk War.

And it involved Englishmen and Irishmen too!

That concert was given in Christ Church Cathedral. For more on "The House" and slavery, see The life and letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson) and this post: Some Sage Advice from US Officials. Then see Zimbabwean Parliament Building is Owned by the Anglican Church.

While I was at Schumacher College, which was all of 1991, there were various American visitors, including Julie Mushet and Theodore Roszack. I think they were up to something, so if anyone still alive knows what that was, then they had better speak up now. See Mississippi John Hurt if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Here's a nice interview with Nick Cave in Australia:


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