Billie Eilish - The End of The World

It looks to me that the unspoken conspiracy is coming together and starting to speak.

See Jim Carrey on Art and Broken HeartsNikola Tesla and the End of The World and Billie's Trying to Teach me to Sing.

It's been a long time ...

... in the imagining ...

... Millennia see Computation Considered as an Empirical Foundation for the Mathematical Sciences ...

So it's pretty disgraceful that we didn't manage to get the fucking software working before so many people were killed! I'm Still Looking for A Job and Satish Kumar on Trees and Miracles and The Human Mind.

See Why is Telecommunications Security Important? and actually read it:
› "Man is a political animal." So wrote Aristotle, somewhere. This does not mean that he tells lies on TV to win votes. It means that ...
He designs software and hardware that actually works!

See Logic:
› These are three things I've written since I've been in Bolivia. They were all attempts to persuade people to engage in rational discussion ...
See also Computation Considered as an Empirical Foundation for the Mathematical SciencesWhat The Tortoise Said to Achilles and The Foundation.

But nobody here, especially rectors and docentes at both public and private universities, want to discuss anything with me. Why? Maya Burns' syndrome?


You useless idiots couldn't organising a piss-up in a fucking brewery!


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