On Dreamers and Slime

Jeremy Narby explaining Nancy Pelosi's problems at 6 minutes 33 seconds, it's a lack of knowledge of both science and indigenous people:

Now if anyone thinks anybody can understand the issues around immigration policy in the United States without speaking about what underlies it, then they are fools.

See Robots Re-encarne-nation, and How Gaia and Uranus Decide Where to Strike.

And if they think that polling via web pages means anything, then they shouldn't even be considered for office: see https://conspiracyreveals.com/2019/12/27/public-support-for-trump-impeachment-at-all-time-high-poll/ which reads:
Public support for Donald Trump’s order for the removal of Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House is the highest it has ever been, according to a new poll. Fifty-five percent (55%) of those asked said they were in favor of the president’s and GOP opinion, a figure that shot up from 48 percent (48%) the week before now.
This is as ridiculous as paying Facebook $20 million dollars to fake support: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/30/politics/facebook-trump-impeachment/index.html?fbclid=IwAR01PCdBZ3D_G4yTpF5V9bHtM8FZ3BAJG0sELEOAfwn4103isv-HTAiLg-I
The Trump campaign has spent almost $20 million on Facebook ads since Facebook began publicly disclosing political ad spend in May 2018. The ad-buys eclipse that of all Democratic presidential primary candidates.
It's a one-party, one-dictator system they're creating up there:

So, are we any closer to understanding the problems in Syria, Nancy?

Or doesn't this Alien movie have enough pussy for your taste?

You are being watched:

By shit that Roger Schell and others have been warning you about since before I even knew what a computer looked like. See  de Bunked YouTube Channels and Amy Zegart on Cyberwar ... :

... and by shit you didn't even know you didn't know could exist:

And so you know, because you're literate and you did watch what happened to those two soldiers, that you don't try to buy favours from it. Coronavirus is a Political Hot Potato in China:

See How Gaia and Uranus Decide Where to Strike and this:


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