Jade Giving an Example of How A Bad Idea Can Cause a Deadly Pandemic

How scientists use big data to control systems they know almost nothing about.

See my comment:
You're making a mistake by assuming the viral infections are bad. Some of these ideas might be useful in understanding how virus social networks interact between and within species, but studying that would require scientists who are not determined by economics of research funding and competitive peer-review processes etc. And it would require data sharing across political and institutional boundaries, which would require a level of IT integration that is currently prohibitively expensive.
See Coronavirus A War Against Humanity?

And there is even some reasonable doubt that we are even talking about a thing here:

And on decisions made by governments with panels of expert advisors telling them how to make decisions that are in the best interests of the greater good:

To which my comment was:
I dunno, this is really complicated. I have a question though, which is this: why is 'better' a total order?
For more on lattices and joins etc. See

Then see The Right Way to Formalise Mathematics and finally, give up, because You're All Out of Your Fucking Minds!


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