Rupert Sheldrake on Curios Collective Phenomena

He says that the physics of individual actions based on local observation cannot account for the global behaviour, and that this has been experimentally confirmed in the case of flocks of starlings.

Unfortunately he doesn't explain how that confirmation works, he simply takes it on trust and says 'so the explanation must be "resonance in morphic fields."'

What if there is a perfectly good scientific explanation for a prior cause which explains those recurrent familial constellations? The "explanation" by way of a mystical "morphic field" is then an obscuring of the true cause, and that is not an explanation, it is an obfuscation and utterly useless.

For example, see Nikola Tesla and the End of The World. On the view of Rupert Sheldrake, the ostracisation I am experiencing now is merely formally similar to that my great grandfather Forbes Grant experienced, and so it can be 'cured' by some actors standing in the same common relations observed in the two constellations, and by some presumably equally mystical process this charade will effect the cure. See David Lynch on Being an Artist.


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