George Galloway on Assange Extradition Hearing

Mentions 20 year old law prohibiting extradition to the US on political grounds. George seems to be confused: 4 minutes 41 seconds. "You can't extradite someone unless you have a treaty. Otherwise we'd be extraditing people to China and Saudi Arabia, because we have no treaty with them ..." Well, in 1976 there was a CIA whistleblower, Philip Agee, who was given asylum in the UK, much to the annoyance of James Jesus Angleton. So it seems to depend upon a legal nicety called "integrity of the judiciary".  See from 5 minutes 50 seconds

Angleton is showing classic symptoms of what C.G. Jung called shadow projection:

Philip Agee died in Cuba in October 2003, shortly after George W. Bush took office. Listen to the quiet bits in the his video, and see On Gary Webb. It seems highly plausible that Agee was assassinated, possibly by British agents. See MI6 and CIA Rendition UpdateAfghanistan and British/American Intelligence Collusion and DOJ Investigating FBI/CIA Collusion With Foreign Intelligence Agencies.

"When I was writing my first book, I concluded in the book that the CIA is nothing more and nothing less than the secret political police of international foreign policy: that is the foreign policy of the United States.”
"It was nothing unusual for a young man like me, patriotic, conformist from a very comfortable family to go into government service so I went into the CIA for adventure. I was only 22 and had romantic views towards things. ...  I left the CIA with the idea of forgetting it all and starting a new life but you don't forget these things."
See American Secret Societies and Kissinger's Diplomacy in Rhodesia:
The only two events listed in Wikipedia February 1976 in the United States are February 5 – Nearly 2,000 students become involved in a racially charged riot at Escambia High School in Pensacola, Florida.
1976 was the year George H.W. Bush became head of the CIA. See 1 minute 52 seconds:

At 10 minutes 33 the CIA is described by Emile de Antonio as the "foreign secret police" and President Bush's loyalty to the CIA transcends his loyalty to the country or the people as a whole. See Here's Another Video.

The entire international intelligence community seems to have been in some kind of shadow psychosis for half a century see Robots Re-encarne-nation:

This song was playing whilst I wrote that. I am just a later model of IBM Electric type-writer:

I prefer this song:

But do be careful with playing shadow games, especially in the arena of International diplomacy:

See 13 minutes 9 seconds (recorded in October 1989) Emile de Antonio on Manuel Noriega and Panama's secret banking network based on money from drug trafficking which was established in the '70s, around the time George H.W. Bush became head of the CIA. From 21 minutes 21 secondsThe Bahamas, "The island right across from Cuba", was at that time one of the biggest transit stations for drugs entering the United States:
The Bahamas, known officially as the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, is a country within the Lucayan Archipelago in the West Indies. It is a member of the Commonwealth Realms under the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth II.
Emile de Antonio died of a heart attack two months after this was recorded. From
On December 15, 1989, de Antonio died of a heart attack in front of his Lower East Side home.
Emile de Antonio talking about film in 1973:

See Daphne Caruana Galizia who was murdered whilst investigating corruption in the Maltese government, following the revelations made in the Panama Papers:
The Panama Papers (Spanish: Papeles de Panamá) are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. The documents, some dating back to the 1970s, were created by, and taken from, Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca.
At 15 minutes 6 seconds, the banks in Panama were the transferring money to banks in Miami, FL. I heard a story that Miami was effectively using £ sterling from around that time, and this is possibly still the case. I suspect that money from Panama was passing through British banks in the Cayman and British Virgin Islands, established in the seventies. See 4 minutes 17 seconds on the British "London Euro-dollar Market" established after the Suez Crisis of 1956 and subsequent Israeli occupation of Sinai in 1957, the year George H.W. Bush didn't become head of the CIA. See also from 6 minutes 42 seconds.

Also available with Spanish subtitles.

Putin was not aware that Ivan Golunov's case was "the biggest thing in 2019." Neither was I. Seems to me that Putin has a bigger problem with freemasons than even I do. See Here's Another Video. This has good-quality, though incomplete, English subtitles from the "..." menu.

See this UK Guardian piece: Protests continue after Russian journalist released pending trial:

Golunov was primarily investigating business corruption. See MI6 Pressure on Russian Oligarchs in London and links therein, including The Private Sector in Russia and British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest which should probably be MI6/CIA/KGB rats' nest. Finally, see Bill Browder. Browder is a CIA agent working for MI6, whose father was a KGB spy. See Kim Iversen on Assange and the US Espionage Act.

The charges against Golunov were dropped three days before Che Guevara's birthday. (And, coincidentally, a few weeks after I posted this: Bill Browder.) It would be interesting to see what he has been writing since then:

I am really tired of this stuff. It's not a productive use of my time. And it makes me feel sick.


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