
Stefan Molyneux on Resource Based Economy

This is an interesting discussion. What most people don't realise is that capitalism as we practice it now wastes 99.9% of the human and material resources we currently use. Once you realise that, the problems raised by the idea of gift or resource-based economies become much more tractable. At  10 minutes 30 seconds  the discussion turns to the way we treat our family and friends differently. We don't charge our nearest and dearest. At this point Molyneux brings in Neo-Darwinian evolution to explain why there is this difference between the way we treat our kith and kin to the way we treat everybody else. I guess he will go on to argue that this is because we evolved to be like this, otherwise we would not have survived. He will presumably say that this is human nature and because it is genetically determined, nothing we can do short of a programme of eugenics and euthenasia will change that. Well, ... you know what my answer to that will be, ... something along the lines...

Transcendence - The Antidote

Incendence, I suppose, ... See  Anti-Gravity  and  AcTVism Munich on Collateral Murder and Technology . For the solution, see  Ernố Rubik , and read  Relational Semantics subtitled "The Evils of Lego" .

Ernố Rubik

I heard a story about  Ernố Rubik  that was not entirely true, shall we say! In 1990 he became President of the Hungarian Engineering Academy. At  3 minutes 42 seconds  on the ability to recognise which situation the cube is in, see  A General Strategy for Solving Problems by Analysis of Situational Logic . This is what I call abstraction. The nature of abstraction is essentially linguistic, and is easier to understand if you study simple formal languages such as the lambda calculus . In such formal languages, the idea of abstraction is captured by the notion of a bound variable, which is a way of associating a name to part of a more complex expression where the name is essentially a place-holder for some as yet unspecified  part of the whole expression. So in the case of the Rubik's cube abstraction of an algorithm to, say, rotate one edge cube so that the colours are swapped, can be specified regardless of which of the twelve edges contains the cube ...

AcTVism Munich on Collateral Murder and Technology

This appeared a few minutes ago: This is now age-restricted: I guess they, or YouTube, want me to point out this brilliant lecture by Hannah Arendt. See in particular from  4 minutes 46 seconds : See  Hannah Arendt on Pathological Political Associations . See also this: If you still don't understand the relevance then perhaps someone at WikiLeaks can explain it? I have tried, but it seems nobody understands me. Maybe ask John Pilger to explain my problem? I honestly believe that sometimes violence is necessary, when all attempts at reason fail. I believe in personal moral responsibility too. See  Shit Like This Really Fucking Pisses Me Off  and  Tthe Second Amendment  for why I have a problem with Grant Sanderson.

Knut Wittkowski on Viral BS

Dr. Knut Wittkowsi is an uncompromisingly straight-talking scientist, and he is fed up. See  Who is Knut M. Wittkowski?  He has been all but disowned by his former employer, The Rockefeller University,  The Rockefeller University releases statement concerning Knut Wittkowski  the day before they announced  Stavros Niarchos Foundation donates $3 million to Rockefeller COVID-19 research . Well, when you consider he is a biostatistician with well over thirty years experience working with some of the best in the field, ... and he comes out with gems like this, at  20 minutes 30 seconds , ... he probably knows the reality underlying research funding: From  Journeyman Pictures Four-part Series on The Pandemic . The interesting thing is that we only really understand herd-immunity as a statistical phenomenon.  So nobody can explain how  or why  it works, but statisticians can explain how we know it a real thing, and that it is in fact t...

Bahrain Sounds Like A Nightmare

Journeyman documentary you can rent for US$3 on Amazon:  Bahrain: Breaking the Silence :

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity

This Explains A Lot! ... more than just Buzz Lightyear's battle cry, ... see here and  here . Revenge is a dish best served stone cold dead. From  修羅雪姫 : See  Bill Gates is Much, Much Smarter than I Am :